My husband told me something I wrote sounded like a real writer
wrote it. No greater compliment can be received. I had to stop cuddling him to
make sure I reach my daily blog post goal. That’s how important this writing
business is to me. You're welcome.
I suppose I could have harassed a friend for a
guest blogger post. I am doing that soon. Once I get to posting every day I
will post a guest blogger once a week so I can take a day off, or even better
post two in one day. Oh the excitement.
I hope someday my husband and I die at
the same time. Something cheesy like the notebook. I can’t imagine living
without him. I don’t think I could ever leave him behind. I don’t know how
someone like me was lucky enough to find true love at only twenty years old. No
one else has ever really understood me and certainly no one else has ever
accepted every part of me, even the worst parts. I can’t imagine how he didn’t
abandon me a million times as I flailed around trying to stay afloat. I should
have known better and just have been calmly treading water.
I wonder if my
Latin teacher remembers me? I think she hated me. I bet she’d hate everything I
have to say although I still use all her wonderful grammar knowledge. They
don’t teach grammar very well in Elementary School, they expect you to know it
already in High School. I really only ever learned it in Latin class. She
dropped me to the lower level in between years, even though she taught both. I
was very happy there. The kids with perfect grades taking Latin weren’t exactly
what I would call Good Times.
In High School everyone was always telling me
what I should and shouldn’t look like. So I took it to the extreme and tried to look as offensive
as possible. I don’t regret a single moment. It is good to own what you look
like and be proud of it. It is the you that is projected to the seeing world.
Perhaps we rely too much on seeing. I’ve read that some blind people can sense
all the items and happenings in a room. There must be a sense or multiple that
the seeing world is neglecting.
My neighbors are supporting my writing career
by having loud drunk parties at night so I couldn’t sleep at night even if I
wanted to. I support loud drunk parties. I do not support loud drunk parties
that always include children and often fire of some sort.
One night a while back someone left
their house and drove head first into a work van parked halfway down the
street. A van that was parked on the other side of the road. That giant work
van continued on in a backwards U pattern until it hit the side of little red
car in the neighbor across the street's driveway. The biggest
mystery of that night was certainly not where the drunk driver of the mini van
with little sticker people on the back window came from but where did the giant
work van full of tools go?
The entire neighborhood stood outside wondering what
that sound was. I stood under a dark tree as two long haired blond girls
waddled down the street in their slippers. They didn’t see me against the tree
until I scared the shit out of them by saying “hello.” I knew the minivan with
little people on the back had left their house. As a matter of fact, I heard the
van start and drive exactly halfway down the street before a very loud crash.
Those blond girls were shocked that the minivan belonged to someone they did
not even realize had left their house already. I really hate alcoholism for so
many reasons.
There must be an interesting energy about vans around my block.
Another time a work van struck a telephone pole causing the transformer to
explode in a burst of beautiful blues as they do. Half the street went dark.
The first person to approach said, “are you ok?” Instead of answer, the man
took off running top speed down the street. Coincidentally cutting through the
backyard of my poor friends who owned the work van from the first accident. Did
I mention I hate alcoholism?
At least the neighbors serve as a constant reminder
for me as to why I won’t allow my son to grow up in the world of alcoholism.
Not to mention keeping me up all hours to write fun stories and make sure when
they set themselves on fire, my house doesn’t also go up.
I’m sure all of this
is what the Labor Movement had in mind when they fought long and hard for this
long weekend to commemorate the blood sweat and tears shed over their civil
Now they are screaming at each other angrily as drunk people do.
Sometimes they laugh so it seems no one is getting hurt. Other than their liver
and their brains but ya know who needs organs. As my Gram would sing, “the
parties over..”
Someday my husband and I will more to a beautiful place full of
symmetry and sacred geometry instead of strange angles placed seemingly
randomly. This magical place will have lots of peace and quite. If I ever get
peace and quite I won’t know what the fuck to do with it. Maybe by then there
will be nothing left to write about. The only thing left to do will be cuddling.
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