
A Short Story: The Green Light

::bang bang bang bang::

Ugh. What time is it? I'm awake. Why am I awake? I have to pee. 
I get up and walk to my bedroom door.

::bang bang bang bang::

The clock says 2:23. What the fuck is that sound? As I open my door a crack a green light floods my vision. 

Are aliens coming to abduct us? Aliens are probably quieter about their abductions.

::bang bang bang bang::

I stick my head out a little to see more. The green light is coming from the side door. No one has come to my front door other than a UPS man in decades. For a while it didn't even open. So they know that much. 

I can't get the two steps from my door to the bathroom because I have no idea who is outside the house. I still have to pee. 

::bang bang bang bang::

My mom's door which faces mine opens. We can see each other across the hall but they can't see us. I whisper, "Mom I have to pee." 

I don't want to be in my bathroom alone, whose only access is the hallway. I fly across the hall into my mom's room without my feet hitting the hallway floor. 

::bang bang bang bang::

"Who the fuck is outside?"
"I don't know. I'll go check."

I get to pee in the master bathroom attached to her bedroom. What a relief. I can hear loud voices yelling at my mother. It's amazing how she can keep her cool in situations like these. Todd climbs out the bedroom window adjacent to the side door of the house. Through the woods, down the side of the hill and off to God knows where. 

I go out to the living room. 
"Where is Todd?",  says one of the men in black combat looking attire standing in my living room. 
"Todd who?", my mom says.
"Todd Davidson"
"Oh that Todd, he must be at his mother's house."
"Well we're from the county north of here and we're here to round up anyone who owes back child support for the entire county." 
"He's probably at his mother's house."
"Are you sure he's not here?" We're sure.
"I'm sure." I say. I just saw him run away down the other side of the property where they don't have night vision watching us.
They take my word for it. I'm a kid after all. 

It seems that there could be better ways to get money to support people's children than night vision raids at 2:00am. There are probably better ways to get get people to pay money they owe than putting them in jail. 

It is hard to make a living in jail. 

At least now I've seen real night vision.

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