
The Handmaid's Tale

Last year I had a birthday party. I had a lot of nightmares last night, except I didn't wake up until 5pm so that is A Lot of nightmares. My "best friend" came and wanted to fight with my actual Best Friend over a woman who has been dead since 2010. *mind you he is married and was having a 6 year affair with me at this point... I never want to have a birthday party again. And I've had one every year for almost my entire life. I may have only missed a few when Zack was a baby and we were so broke. But I was assaulted at my birthday party last year. I told him to stop and to either join the rest of the party and leave. He told me he wanted to anally rape my best internet friend who had driven for 2.5 hours to see me. Then he tried to rape me and when I wouldn't let him he got really upset berated my friends some more. Took some beer and left walking.