Dear President Obama,
My name is Jackie Lane. I am a 26 year old, married mother of 1, and cosmetologist in Toms River, NJ. Perhaps you know that already, perhaps you've read any of my other letters. Last night I watched you on Jay Leno. I like your presence, I think you are funny. But why does it feel more like you are visiting your rich hollywood friends to get campaign contributions than focusing on what is really going on in this country? Who will be the first politician to stand up and say, "I will not take corporate campaign contributions!" So far it doesn't seem like it is going to be you. You are loosing the hope of the American people, some of my closest friends and even my mother were your biggest supporters in the 2008 election but so many of them now are defeated. It's impossible to keep defending someone who does not stand up and address us. We need someone to lead and to demand that the system change. You are always politically dancing around the issue when you need to just state, flat out what your intentions are, if you really intend to help us. Stand proudly and accept the 99% of people who will be your champions, if you will be ours. You will not need the corporations by your side if you can help us. How can you loose an election with 99% of the people behind you? It is foolish to wait too long to stand up and acknowledge us. If you can not be the one to lead us to change we will be looking for someone else, or just stay home on election day. I know I will not but only because I fear the alternative. We want you to say you will not take corporate money and you will no longer stand for the injustices being done to the American people. There is no time in history where the rich did not try and steal from the poor. In the time of kings, they called it a tax. Now the rich are spared letting go of tax money in lieu of campaign contributions. Stand up to these men or face loosing the 2012 election because the voters will not come out again without the change that was promised.
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