Obama historically may turn out to be the greatest President we've ever had. The world is in turmoil. I feel as though if anyone else were President right now we would already be at war with Iran. It is the next step. They are one of the only countries left not connected to the central banks. He looks old, he looks tired. And I think the last thing on his mind is dealing with Willard on TV. Willard is completely incapable of handling the Presidency of the United States of America and its impact on the global economy right now. He is socially inept in a lot of ways. Obama was calm because Mitt Romney's smirk and condescension was obvious Wednesday night. Obama knows he is set up to win and that the poll numbers are in his favor. Unless the GOPs voter suppression tactics and electronic polling hacking is in full effect there is no way Willard will have the support he needs to win. But I still think those are both just tactics to prove to people how little their vote matters.
The more time goes on, the more I really think Obama did not know what he was accepting when he said he would run for President. First of all, we all act like we knew the world was going to end and the economy was going to crash back in 2008 except that hindsight is 20/20 and no one knew a damn thing or was even willing to admit it was even happening until it was well underway. There are STILL people diminishing the effects of what happened and that they are still going on. Secondly he was asked to run against Hillary Clinton, amongst other qualified Democrats who had been around longer to be, the first black candidate to win the nomination of a major party. Why would he think that he could win? We all take for granted now how much of a margin Obama won by and how much support he garnered in 2008. Either the powers that picked him to run never thought he could win or they set him up to win so that he could take the fall.
In 2007 when he won the nomination I don't think he could have foreseen the path that lead us to today. When he accepted that nomination the economy had just begun to unhinge, the intellectual elites in this country were in severe denial about the nature of this economic and social collapse. Some of them still deny the reality of what happened and what is happening, I'm sure they are well compensated. I believe we all thought the problems that were created during the Bush administration would be a lot simpler to fix. We all wanted an easy answer. We all wanted a hero. And that fell on the shoulders of Barack Obama.
The reason it appears as though Willard won the debate was that Obama has lost the passion that we loved him for. The reason I don't believe Obama could have known the reality of the world when he accepted the idea of being President is his overzealous optimism during the 2008 campaign. Willard thinks he will be inheriting power and a final confirmation of his personal superiority over others when he wins. Willard is enough of an ego maniac that he thinks he will win. And even if he loses he might say he meant to do it. His enthusiasm for this battle is evident. He is the product of bully culture, he lives for the fight. Obama's uncertainty and stress level is evident. Mitt Romney thinks he's going to win the biggest popularity contest in history.
Obama has never seemed to live for the fight. Throughout his campaigns, his debates, and his career as a politician he is often said to be to soft. I hear many say they want him to pull no punches and really attack. Well if it wasn't in his nature by now, he probably won't. This brings me to Obama's War Presidency. Why do we still have troops in Afghanistan? Well, it's an 11 year war and the military industrial complex already had a set plan for withdrawal so that might have something to do with it. What about the drone killings in Pakistan? Why would someone who was in any way anti-war condone that? This is my own theory but here goes.
I think that we are on the verge of World War 3 and that no one in America even knows what is going on. But that doesn't seem different from any other period of history. Before we had computers there was only T.V. and before that only Newspaper and Radio. It's a lot easier to quell the flow of information and to incite people to war and violence when you are controlling the propaganda they take in on a daily basis. Right now there is a movement away from that, but with all of our technology there are 100s of apps and websites to get your news. The people who want to control the world were one step ahead of us. Many people only turn to their favorite news source so everything they hear is through a filter that is tailored to their own ideology. The world is over saturated with news that they want us to believe is important precisely to distract us from anything else that might be taking place.
I believe Obama is allowing the drone killings to escalate because he is staving off entering the war that Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to start with Iran. President Obama does have the largest military arsenal the world has ever seen at his disposal and I believe there are men in this world that he wants to be well aware of our drone killing capabilities. They are far more menacing than nuclear weapons, we can use them without any repercussions to our own troops or our own health in the future. I believe if John McCain, or Mitt Romney were President we would already be at war with Iran. During the 2011 GOP Primary debates, every single one of the 9 candidates who they let on T.V., with the exception of Ron Paul, said that they support war with Iran.
Obama may have signed the NDAA but I don't believe he has as much control as everyone gives him credit for, if he didn't sign, thousands of military families would not have gotten paid for a couple of weeks, and the congress had a two thirds majority so he had no veto power in reality, which everyone forgets. He put out a statement saying he doesn't support Indefinite Detention and his administration won't use it, although we should all already know that Bradley Manning has been detained for over 865 days now. What does that mean? That one single man can not control all of the corrupt branches of the government right now, up to the including his own Administration and he's not perfect. If he was going to win this war for change he wanted, he was always going to need help and support and quite frankly he doesn't have it.
I think at the moment he's doing a damn good job at whatever show he is putting on that is keeping the world from (more) war. Europe, the Middle East, and Asia are seeing protests of a size we haven't seen in over 100 years, if ever. And not a single news organization in America says a damn word about it. Either you expect Obama to fix this, or you blame him for it. But you certainly don't think that your unwillingness to talk about this problem with your friends and family has anything to do with it.
The culture of war and bullying have created the paranoia and fear of the government that people are experiencing. We need to ignore that fear and start talking about how we feel and what is really happening to us instead of niceties. We have to fight the urge to just tune out and not participate in the system because it is easier. It's such an easy narrative to adapt, that this is just the way the world is and there is no way we can help. In that case why would you even try. I can counter this.
I believe firmly that you can make a huge difference if you try. The little things you do make a huge impact and you need to think about them. Where do you bank? Do you pay interest on debt? Where do you shop? What do you buy? What companies do you support and why? How much garbage do you create? Do you recycle? Do you make sure when you get new things that the old undamaged ones go to someone who need them, or do you put them at the curb because it's easier? You need to stop pretending that the things you do don't have an impact on the entire world. We need to wake up, and we need to take back control of our government because in reality government is the structure of society. You think you can live without government and the help of others? Let me know how that goes the first week you're out of power, and there is no more gas to get anywhere, and there is no water being piped to your house. What would you do? You have no idea because it's so horrible you've never even thought of it. You are taking your privileges for granted.
The reason they don't want you to care about voting and the reason they want you to believe that every politician is cut from the exact same clothe is because the American government was the first government in the world to stand up to the powers of privilege and they tried damn hard 300 years ago to make sure that corporations and moneyed interests never took control of our government. If you remove the corruption from the system, it can work. For all the talk Tea Partiers do about the sanctity of the constitution, they believe the corruptions lies in the system of government instead of where the people write the checks.
You want to find the corruption? Turn to the wealthiest people in the world and the bank transactions and debt they control. All the arguing about who won the debate is to make sure that we never turn our attention away from politicians and focus on the real sources of power in this country and the world.
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