A private organization runs the two-party presidential debates. No 3rd party candidate has been included since Ross Perot. These candidates will talk about the issues we actually need to address to fix this world but very few people will see it compared to the debates promoted by advertising on TV and every YouTube video yesterday.
"We can perform these miracles as informed citizens."
Gary Johnson, former governor was excluded from the GOP primary process. He calls the 2 parties obsolete. He's picking up many of the Ron Paul votes since he has dropped out of the race.
During the interview prior to the debate he was asked, "Should education be privatized?"
He thinks privatization can bring better services and better products. I disagree. He wants the federal government out of education. We're already segregated, what would that accomplish?
Jill Stein suggests the Green New Deal. If you haven't read it. I highly suggest you do. It's the only plan taking into account the problems we are facing not just idealistic solutions. They have paid for it with a tax increase on the wealthy. Their budget balances. They want to bring about public tranportation, healthy local food, and green energy. She was arrested for trying to enter the second presidential debate. Her and her VP running mate were detained for 8 hours for trying to enter a public event for the debate of presidential candidates, even though she is on the ballot in 85% of the states. It is a huge barrier to get on the ballot in most states.
These candidates are just reiterating what people who would watch this debate already know. No one is learning anything for the most part because people who don't know these candidates and their platforms aren't watching.
Virgil Goode wants more grass roots movements and to expand political discussions to more points of view.
During the predebate interview he said electronic voting machines had a 600 billion dollar federal cost which was voted on with a large majority in the congress. And they increase the risk of fraud. They were a reaction to Florida. Using the archaic chads once again to diminish our democracy.
Voter ID laws are bigoted legislation to keep the poor from easy access to voting.
Basically everyone agrees we need a national popular vote plan for president.
In many districts the second party doesn't even run a competitive candidate. Redistricting and gerrymandering mean that most districts are decided by the politicians themselves. It would mean a lot to eliminate this practice.
Super PACs allow for anonymity so that foreign companies and countries can influence our elections with political ads. Most of the big money in state races comes from outside the state. Right now Sheldon Adleson, the Las Vegas casino tycoon who financially backed Newt Gingrich in the GOP primaries, is pouring money into the NJ election of Rabbi Shmully.
None of the mainstream media is talking about any of these issues. That is your proof the main stream media is bought and paid for by corporations.
There are so many people involved in the movement to educate people and reform our politics, there is a place and a cause for everyone's interests. Find something that suits your passions and get involved. </p>
The debate is finally starting. Even though they covered many topics in the pre debate discussion. Now its time for Larry King to say funny old guy stuff and make us laugh. Also they have decided to allow applause and reactions of the audience.
Larry King is excited to have the opportunity to help all sides be heard.
Independent Party Candidates
Rocky Anderson - The Justice Party
Jill Stein - The Green Party
Virgil Goode - The Constitution Party
Gary Johnson - The Libertarian Party
Question 1: How do you feel about the 2 party system?
Jill Stein feels we should have political parties, they have meaning. She feels the top 2 skew and manipulate the meaning of political parties.
Rocky Anderson says our democracy is restricted by the top 2 option. Corrupted by money and outside influence and leaves no choice for the voter. The debate is constricted. Obama is bragging about how big the military budget is and drilling on government parks and lands. Neither of them talk about getting rid of the catastrophic war on drugs, neither of them talk about poverty. The first presidential race in America had 18 presidential candidates. He would like to return to that. Rocky Anderson is a former Democrat but now officially done with that party.
Virgil Goode has been in 4 different parties, always a conservative. Also denounces the top 2 system. Money is not speech. He does not support mass spending on the part of government for party conventions.
Gary Johnson is a bipartisan former Republican. He says he is pro choice everything. He is now the presidential candidate of the libertarian party. He wants to make the case neither of the other candidates are making.
Larry King is doing this to help these people who stand up to be heard. It takes a lot of courage.
Jill Stein demands open debates in this country. She was arrested last week at the commison for presidential debate (a private corporation) for trying to enter.
Rocky Anderson wants free and equal access to the public air waves.
Virgil Goode says no super PACs. No big donations from large groups and PACs. Only personal donations.
Gary Johnson wants 100% transparency for where money came from. If you get money for your campaign you should were a patch like NASCAR. Stop the use of drones in countries that won't attack us. Stop irresponsoble spending.
All questions submitted by social media.
Question 2: How do we deal with the war on drugs?
Oh wait... Way to go 3rd party debates. No wonder no one takes you seriously... Larry King forgot opening statements. He didn't have it in his notes so he went right to questions. Before second question opening statements. I won't reiterate Jill stein and Rocky Anderson here. I covered the points they made earlier in predebate discussions and the first question.
Virgil Goode says he will submit a balanced budget which neither candidate has done.
Gary Johnson says flat out first words in opening statement. "We should not bomb Iran." Good Job Gary! End the drug wars, legalize marijuanna now, repeal patriot act, repeal the NDAA, he promises a balanced budget.
I knew I liked you when you kept going on Mornig Joe trying to get into the GOP debates.
Back to Question 2: the war on drugs?
Rocky Anderson wants to release non violent marijuana offenders. End drug prohibition. Treat it like a public health problem that needs to be solved through education, not with the criminal justice system. We have more people in jail on drug offenses than western Europe has on all offenses.
Virgil Goode believes drug use is a state issue. He does not want to legalize marijuana. But he does want to seriously reduce the budget for the war on drugs.
Gary Johnson says 90% of the problem of drugs is through the illegality and not the use. A majority of people want marijuana legalized. Gary Johnson admits to using alcohol and marijuana and says emphatically that there is no evidence marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol. This is not about advocating drug use. It's an issue that belongs with families not the criminal justice system.
Jill Stein is a medical doctor. Marijuana is dangerous because it's illegal. It's not illegal because it's dangerous. It's not dangerous at all. It is well understood that the health impacts of marijuana are cause by marijuana prohibition and criminalization. On day 1 she would instruct the DEA to use science to schedule drugs. Marijuana and hemp will be legalized and have economic benefits. She wants to give small business to flourish under marijuana legalization instead of creating monopolies like in the tobacco industry.
Rocky Anderson says, "why is hemp illegal? Legalize industrial hemp now." He will issue presidential pardons for everyone who isn't in prison for other offenses than drugs.
Gary Johnson if you tell the truth about cocaine it would regulate itself. Cocaine puts holes in your heart. People need to be educated.
Question 3: Foreign Policy?
Virgil Goode and Gary Johnson want to reduce the military spending. Stop military interventions.
Gary Johnson "We funded Osama Bin Laden." In the 80s and created the taliban in Afghanistan. Brave words.
Jill Stein wants to end wars for oil, cut the budget and bring the troops home. End the use of drones abroad and at home. Ban drones as a weapon of war and for spying on Americans. We are not winning hearts and minds of the middle east by killing civilians with drones. Fight the war on climate change with our government, not the war for oil.
Rocky Anderson goes after the Military industrial complex. Originally called the congressional military industrial complex for a reason. Get rid of those benefiting from this corrupt system. No wars of aggression. If you haven't been attacked or aren't being attacked you are having an illegal war of aggression like the war in Iraq.
Gary Johnson did not support the war in Iraq. He admits supporting the first 6 months of Afghanistan until we eliminated al-Qaeda, should have gotten out after that. He does not support military action on Iran. We would just be creating more enemies.
Question 4: How can we provide college for everyone?
Gary Johnson doesn't believe we need federally backed student loans, because we give the loans to people who would think otherwise if they had to actually pay for it.
Jill Stein wants education to be free. As we have made it in the past through the G.I Bill. GO Jill Stein!!!! We owe our younger generation economic security that they need a college education for. The Fed is bailing out the banks for the fourth time. Let's bail out the students instead!
Rocky Anderson, to regain our competitive edge in the world we need equality in education. We need free colleges and technical schools. This is not radical, it works in many other parts of the world.
Virgil Goode we can't afford to federally approve more student loans. We need to balance the budget and there is no room for increased spending.
Gary Johnson does not want free education. We are going to experience a monetary collapse. We print money to pay for these things. There needs to be a level playing field for everybody.
Rocky Anderson rebuts we can not have massive spending cuts in education. We need to get behind workers and our young people.
Jill agrees with Rocky. We can not afford to not educate our students. Their education is good for all of us. We need fresh imagination and new ideas. We need to free our students from indentured servitude. (Hell yeah Jill Stein! just sayin')
Virgil Goode points out both Obama and Romney said in the debates they want to expand pellet grants. Except in reality Mitt Romney's plan doesn't actually call for that.
uestion 5: Where do you stand on the NDAA?
Jill Stein says its against basic freedoms and American liberty. And we should repeal the military use act and put and end to presidentially issued assassinations. We need to end unwarrented wire taps on American citizens, end the patriot act, and the persecution of whistleblowers.
Rocky Anderson says the Bush and Obama administration have been subversive. The NDAA is the worst injustice in the American system thus far. We are headed towards totalitarianism. Obama excused the behavior of the prior administration and hasn't stopped any of these injustices like he promised in his 2008 campaign.
Virgil Goode would have vetoed NDAA.
Gary Johnson also would have vetoed the NDAA. ACLU rated the presidential candidates. Gary Johnson had the most liberty torches. (husband says, yay Gary got the most imaginary accolade units, go Gary) (On a side side note, my smart phone can't spell accolade but my HS drop out husband can.)
Question 6: If you could have one constitutional amendment you know would pass what would it be?
Rocky Anderson wants to pass the amendment banning discrimination based on sexual orientation. We could make the politicians in congress pass it if we take back control of our democracy. And let politicians know they will be held accountable on election day.
Virgil Goode wants congress to have term limits. Between 6 years or 12 years and end career politicians. Stop the constant collection of campaign funds.
Larry King: How will you pass it? Grandfather those in congress now to get it to pass.
Gary Johnson also wants term limits. The constant campaigning needs to end. He had a term limit as governor and he believes they inspire politicians to act instead of worry about their chances to get reelected.
Jill Stein says even with term limits the major corporations will still run elections. We need to amend the constitution to say that corporations are not people and get all money out of politics. These decisions need to be made by communities not corporations.
Closing Statements
Virgil Goode wants a balanced budget now. And he wants no more immigration or green card access while unemployment is so high.
Gary Johnson is talking about how awesome he is. He wants everyone to be able to have access to a work visa. He wants open immigration. "Wasting your vote is voting for someone who you don't believe in, I'm asking Americans to waste their vote on me."
Jill Stein the biggest way people give up power is by not knowing we have it to start with. There are 90 million voters who will not vote in this election. That is twice as many as will vote for either candidate running. Imagine those 90 million voters knew they had an option in a 3rd party candidates. She wants consumer protections on student loans and for young people to go out and vote for these things. We could turn politics in this country on its head on November 6th. We need a green new deal. We can do this now by standing up and making it so.
Rocky Anderson, "Imagine we had a candidate at the other debates to challenge this plutocracy. Both parties have warped into a corporatists anti democratic force." Both of them avoid talking about the Military Industrial Complex and the dangers of climate change. Neither candidate will mention cracking down on Wall Street because they are the recipients of that money. Neither has called for end of the insane war on drugs or military spending.
Thanks to Larry King for this opportunity to get the message out. As a journalist he still actively supports different opinions in the political process. His name greatly increased the possibility that people were watching.
This was the debate the American people deserved to hear.
Get Access To Much More News When You Like Me On Facebook @JLaneLove
Or Follow Me On Twitter
"We can perform these miracles as informed citizens."
Gary Johnson, former governor was excluded from the GOP primary process. He calls the 2 parties obsolete. He's picking up many of the Ron Paul votes since he has dropped out of the race.
During the interview prior to the debate he was asked, "Should education be privatized?"
He thinks privatization can bring better services and better products. I disagree. He wants the federal government out of education. We're already segregated, what would that accomplish?
Jill Stein suggests the Green New Deal. If you haven't read it. I highly suggest you do. It's the only plan taking into account the problems we are facing not just idealistic solutions. They have paid for it with a tax increase on the wealthy. Their budget balances. They want to bring about public tranportation, healthy local food, and green energy. She was arrested for trying to enter the second presidential debate. Her and her VP running mate were detained for 8 hours for trying to enter a public event for the debate of presidential candidates, even though she is on the ballot in 85% of the states. It is a huge barrier to get on the ballot in most states.
These candidates are just reiterating what people who would watch this debate already know. No one is learning anything for the most part because people who don't know these candidates and their platforms aren't watching.
Virgil Goode wants more grass roots movements and to expand political discussions to more points of view.
During the predebate interview he said electronic voting machines had a 600 billion dollar federal cost which was voted on with a large majority in the congress. And they increase the risk of fraud. They were a reaction to Florida. Using the archaic chads once again to diminish our democracy.
Voter ID laws are bigoted legislation to keep the poor from easy access to voting.
Basically everyone agrees we need a national popular vote plan for president.
In many districts the second party doesn't even run a competitive candidate. Redistricting and gerrymandering mean that most districts are decided by the politicians themselves. It would mean a lot to eliminate this practice.
Super PACs allow for anonymity so that foreign companies and countries can influence our elections with political ads. Most of the big money in state races comes from outside the state. Right now Sheldon Adleson, the Las Vegas casino tycoon who financially backed Newt Gingrich in the GOP primaries, is pouring money into the NJ election of Rabbi Shmully.
None of the mainstream media is talking about any of these issues. That is your proof the main stream media is bought and paid for by corporations.
There are so many people involved in the movement to educate people and reform our politics, there is a place and a cause for everyone's interests. Find something that suits your passions and get involved. </p>
The debate is finally starting. Even though they covered many topics in the pre debate discussion. Now its time for Larry King to say funny old guy stuff and make us laugh. Also they have decided to allow applause and reactions of the audience.
Larry King is excited to have the opportunity to help all sides be heard.
Independent Party Candidates
Rocky Anderson - The Justice Party
Jill Stein - The Green Party
Virgil Goode - The Constitution Party
Gary Johnson - The Libertarian Party
Question 1: How do you feel about the 2 party system?
Jill Stein feels we should have political parties, they have meaning. She feels the top 2 skew and manipulate the meaning of political parties.
Rocky Anderson says our democracy is restricted by the top 2 option. Corrupted by money and outside influence and leaves no choice for the voter. The debate is constricted. Obama is bragging about how big the military budget is and drilling on government parks and lands. Neither of them talk about getting rid of the catastrophic war on drugs, neither of them talk about poverty. The first presidential race in America had 18 presidential candidates. He would like to return to that. Rocky Anderson is a former Democrat but now officially done with that party.
Virgil Goode has been in 4 different parties, always a conservative. Also denounces the top 2 system. Money is not speech. He does not support mass spending on the part of government for party conventions.
Gary Johnson is a bipartisan former Republican. He says he is pro choice everything. He is now the presidential candidate of the libertarian party. He wants to make the case neither of the other candidates are making.
Larry King is doing this to help these people who stand up to be heard. It takes a lot of courage.
Jill Stein demands open debates in this country. She was arrested last week at the commison for presidential debate (a private corporation) for trying to enter.
Rocky Anderson wants free and equal access to the public air waves.
Virgil Goode says no super PACs. No big donations from large groups and PACs. Only personal donations.
Gary Johnson wants 100% transparency for where money came from. If you get money for your campaign you should were a patch like NASCAR. Stop the use of drones in countries that won't attack us. Stop irresponsoble spending.
All questions submitted by social media.
Question 2: How do we deal with the war on drugs?
Oh wait... Way to go 3rd party debates. No wonder no one takes you seriously... Larry King forgot opening statements. He didn't have it in his notes so he went right to questions. Before second question opening statements. I won't reiterate Jill stein and Rocky Anderson here. I covered the points they made earlier in predebate discussions and the first question.
Virgil Goode says he will submit a balanced budget which neither candidate has done.
Gary Johnson says flat out first words in opening statement. "We should not bomb Iran." Good Job Gary! End the drug wars, legalize marijuanna now, repeal patriot act, repeal the NDAA, he promises a balanced budget.
I knew I liked you when you kept going on Mornig Joe trying to get into the GOP debates.
Back to Question 2: the war on drugs?
Rocky Anderson wants to release non violent marijuana offenders. End drug prohibition. Treat it like a public health problem that needs to be solved through education, not with the criminal justice system. We have more people in jail on drug offenses than western Europe has on all offenses.
Virgil Goode believes drug use is a state issue. He does not want to legalize marijuana. But he does want to seriously reduce the budget for the war on drugs.
Gary Johnson says 90% of the problem of drugs is through the illegality and not the use. A majority of people want marijuana legalized. Gary Johnson admits to using alcohol and marijuana and says emphatically that there is no evidence marijuana is more dangerous than alcohol. This is not about advocating drug use. It's an issue that belongs with families not the criminal justice system.
Jill Stein is a medical doctor. Marijuana is dangerous because it's illegal. It's not illegal because it's dangerous. It's not dangerous at all. It is well understood that the health impacts of marijuana are cause by marijuana prohibition and criminalization. On day 1 she would instruct the DEA to use science to schedule drugs. Marijuana and hemp will be legalized and have economic benefits. She wants to give small business to flourish under marijuana legalization instead of creating monopolies like in the tobacco industry.
Rocky Anderson says, "why is hemp illegal? Legalize industrial hemp now." He will issue presidential pardons for everyone who isn't in prison for other offenses than drugs.
Gary Johnson if you tell the truth about cocaine it would regulate itself. Cocaine puts holes in your heart. People need to be educated.
Question 3: Foreign Policy?
Virgil Goode and Gary Johnson want to reduce the military spending. Stop military interventions.
Gary Johnson "We funded Osama Bin Laden." In the 80s and created the taliban in Afghanistan. Brave words.
Jill Stein wants to end wars for oil, cut the budget and bring the troops home. End the use of drones abroad and at home. Ban drones as a weapon of war and for spying on Americans. We are not winning hearts and minds of the middle east by killing civilians with drones. Fight the war on climate change with our government, not the war for oil.
Rocky Anderson goes after the Military industrial complex. Originally called the congressional military industrial complex for a reason. Get rid of those benefiting from this corrupt system. No wars of aggression. If you haven't been attacked or aren't being attacked you are having an illegal war of aggression like the war in Iraq.
Gary Johnson did not support the war in Iraq. He admits supporting the first 6 months of Afghanistan until we eliminated al-Qaeda, should have gotten out after that. He does not support military action on Iran. We would just be creating more enemies.
Question 4: How can we provide college for everyone?
Gary Johnson doesn't believe we need federally backed student loans, because we give the loans to people who would think otherwise if they had to actually pay for it.
Jill Stein wants education to be free. As we have made it in the past through the G.I Bill. GO Jill Stein!!!! We owe our younger generation economic security that they need a college education for. The Fed is bailing out the banks for the fourth time. Let's bail out the students instead!
Rocky Anderson, to regain our competitive edge in the world we need equality in education. We need free colleges and technical schools. This is not radical, it works in many other parts of the world.
Virgil Goode we can't afford to federally approve more student loans. We need to balance the budget and there is no room for increased spending.
Gary Johnson does not want free education. We are going to experience a monetary collapse. We print money to pay for these things. There needs to be a level playing field for everybody.
Rocky Anderson rebuts we can not have massive spending cuts in education. We need to get behind workers and our young people.
Jill agrees with Rocky. We can not afford to not educate our students. Their education is good for all of us. We need fresh imagination and new ideas. We need to free our students from indentured servitude. (Hell yeah Jill Stein! just sayin')
Virgil Goode points out both Obama and Romney said in the debates they want to expand pellet grants. Except in reality Mitt Romney's plan doesn't actually call for that.
uestion 5: Where do you stand on the NDAA?
Jill Stein says its against basic freedoms and American liberty. And we should repeal the military use act and put and end to presidentially issued assassinations. We need to end unwarrented wire taps on American citizens, end the patriot act, and the persecution of whistleblowers.
Rocky Anderson says the Bush and Obama administration have been subversive. The NDAA is the worst injustice in the American system thus far. We are headed towards totalitarianism. Obama excused the behavior of the prior administration and hasn't stopped any of these injustices like he promised in his 2008 campaign.
Virgil Goode would have vetoed NDAA.
Gary Johnson also would have vetoed the NDAA. ACLU rated the presidential candidates. Gary Johnson had the most liberty torches. (husband says, yay Gary got the most imaginary accolade units, go Gary) (On a side side note, my smart phone can't spell accolade but my HS drop out husband can.)
Question 6: If you could have one constitutional amendment you know would pass what would it be?
Rocky Anderson wants to pass the amendment banning discrimination based on sexual orientation. We could make the politicians in congress pass it if we take back control of our democracy. And let politicians know they will be held accountable on election day.
Virgil Goode wants congress to have term limits. Between 6 years or 12 years and end career politicians. Stop the constant collection of campaign funds.
Larry King: How will you pass it? Grandfather those in congress now to get it to pass.
Gary Johnson also wants term limits. The constant campaigning needs to end. He had a term limit as governor and he believes they inspire politicians to act instead of worry about their chances to get reelected.
Jill Stein says even with term limits the major corporations will still run elections. We need to amend the constitution to say that corporations are not people and get all money out of politics. These decisions need to be made by communities not corporations.
Closing Statements
Virgil Goode wants a balanced budget now. And he wants no more immigration or green card access while unemployment is so high.
Gary Johnson is talking about how awesome he is. He wants everyone to be able to have access to a work visa. He wants open immigration. "Wasting your vote is voting for someone who you don't believe in, I'm asking Americans to waste their vote on me."
Jill Stein the biggest way people give up power is by not knowing we have it to start with. There are 90 million voters who will not vote in this election. That is twice as many as will vote for either candidate running. Imagine those 90 million voters knew they had an option in a 3rd party candidates. She wants consumer protections on student loans and for young people to go out and vote for these things. We could turn politics in this country on its head on November 6th. We need a green new deal. We can do this now by standing up and making it so.
Rocky Anderson, "Imagine we had a candidate at the other debates to challenge this plutocracy. Both parties have warped into a corporatists anti democratic force." Both of them avoid talking about the Military Industrial Complex and the dangers of climate change. Neither candidate will mention cracking down on Wall Street because they are the recipients of that money. Neither has called for end of the insane war on drugs or military spending.
Thanks to Larry King for this opportunity to get the message out. As a journalist he still actively supports different opinions in the political process. His name greatly increased the possibility that people were watching.
This was the debate the American people deserved to hear.
Get Access To Much More News When You Like Me On Facebook @JLaneLove
Or Follow Me On Twitter
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