
Media Circus


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Media Circus Lyrics

How can you change the will of the people?
There is so much media out there to weed through.
How can anyone know who to believe?
The news itself has been designed to deceive.
You and I know all the same things.
We can see and feel what the future brings.
We're all involved in a media circus.
All stories must be approved first.
Does your opinion fit into the narrative?
Revolution should be the objective.
Open your eyes and see what's around you,
Injustices plenty, enough to astound you.
You can feel it all deep inside.
You know you're sick but you don't know why.
Just keep working someday you'll have enough.
Someday we'll learn you can't buy love.

We're being blinded by great theatrics!
By great performers taught to do tricks!
They need you to believe in the American dream!
You can not know things are not what they seem.

They dance and sing to entertain us.
Say stupid things we think outrageous.
All to make sure you're not paying attention.
Keeping you naive is there best weapon.

Man is by nature a political animal (Aristotle)
Man is by nature a political animal
Man is by nature a political animal

I Will Smiteth Him From the Mountain (me)

People are bored with political correctness. 
(Clint Eastwood)

Fuck you bro (me)
Fuck you bro

People are bored with political correctness

Fuck you bro
Fuck you bro

People are bored with political correctness
People are bored with political correctness

Keep talking until someone listens (me)
Keep talking until someone listens 
Keep talking until someone listens 

One can not wage war under present conditions without the support of public opinion which is highly influenced by the media and other forms of propaganda. (Douglas MacArthur)
Our country is now geared toward an arms economy which was bred in an artificially induced psychosis of war hysteria and an incessant propaganda of fear. (Douglas MacArthur)

No matter how big the lie; repeat it often enough and the masses will regard it as truth. (JFK)

All art is propaganda it is universally and inescapably propaganda, sometimes unconsciously but often deliberately propaganda.  (Upton Sinclair)

The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. (George Orwell)

People can see the future only when it coincides with their own wishes. (George Orwell)

The thing people (my libfem change) [women]  have yet to learn is no one gives you power, you just take it. (Rosanne Barr)

In our age there is no such thing as 'keeping out of politics'. All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia. (George Orwell) 

Love, Jackie Fucking Lane 

Happy Anniversary Lovers!!! It's been almost 10 years since I first wrote Media Circus & that is blowing my mind. I was on the right track even back then. Make peace, not war comrades. Make peace. 

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