69% voted that the Green and Libertarian Party should be included on the debates on the Xbox Live poll, Moments before the debate begins.
1st Question: Libya
Mitt Romney is talking about the Arab Spring. How he was hoping it signified change in that region. Complete lunacy. So far just self congratulations and talking points from both Romney and Obama.
They are both talking about getting rid of violent extremists in Iraq and the Middle East. Willard wants to give "our friends" in that region more economic support. That is code for, give Israel more money.
Obama calls Romney on his former gaffe of saying Russia is our biggest geopolitical threat. Also calls Romney on previously wanting more troops in Iraq and on still wanting troops in Iraq until this day. Calling Romney on his flip flopping about a timeline in Afghanistan.
Romney says the gaffes are inaccurate except that you can look up every single one on Youtube if you so chose. ( look here's one!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohKJthlRNDE ) Obama denies wanting to keep 10,000 troops in Iraq. He has said many times he does not believe we still need troops in Iraq.
Obama claims we will help opposition in Syria, but he said we need to make sure we know who we are helping so that they don't turn our weapons against us and those in the region. Obama says we can't simply give heavy weapons to Syrian's as Romney suggests. Romney wants to hurt Syria because he said they aid Iran with a port for trade.
Willard wants to instill leadership in Syria. How does he know who will be responsible to lead that war torn country? He is full of hot air. Lots of what Romney says is code for being more compliant with Israel, and doing whatever they want.
Obama accuses Romney of wanting to 'pull out' in Libya. hehehehehehe
Mitt says he doesn't want our military in Syria, he wants to arm insurgents in the country.
Obama says Romney doesn't have different ideas because we are already doing the right thing. Zing. Plus they are almost exactly the same, except for all the reasons Romney will hurt the poor.
Obama says Egyptians are just like us. They want safety and education for their families. But you can tell there was double speak about helping them as long as they support our decisions in the region and our support for Israel.
Second Question: What is America's Role In the World?
Romney: Responsibility to defend freedom. Our job is to end conflicts. American must be strong and lead.
Obama: The world needs a strong America.
Isn't that the same thing?
Then they both went on and on about our own economies problems. Because that has anything to do with the question...... But I suppose when you have rehearsed you've gotta find a place to get all the script in.
Obama suggests we need green energy. I'd like to see it.
Romney says he wants to fix education, and balance the budget. And give tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. How does that work? I hate when he says small businesses. He has no idea what a small business is.
Obama calls him immediately on including the highest tiers such himself and Obama in the small business category. Obama wants more math and science teachers. Obama wants smaller class sizes. Can he accomplish these things? Who knows....
Moderator: Can we bring this back to foreign policy?
Romney: Let me just talk about education some more.
Moderator: OK.
Moderator: "Romney, you want bigger military. Where are you going to get the money?"
Romney: It's on the website.
The first thing he wants to cut is OBAMACARE. Is this real life? We need to expand the Affordable Care Act to include a single payer so someday people I know can actually have health insurance.
RMoney is going to balance the budget. By expanding the navy.
Obama wants to expand all social programs to help veterans and the middle class. Says he went to the website. Still can't figure out how to balance the RomRyan Budget.
Obama: If Israel is attacked we stand with them.
He says we are attempting our biggest military drill in the region this week with Israel. (gotta look that up)
We won't have a nuclear Iran. He says Iran sponsors terrorists and they want us wiped off the map. That is banging the war drum. I hate that. "We aren't going to take any options off the table." But he says Willard wants to take premature military action and we need to proceed with caution before we risk our young lives.
Now all of a sudden Willard thinks the Iran sanctions are great. But not strong enough. I believe I've discussed in one of the other debate posts that we are starving innocent children as we speak.
Here is a video of Willard being a lot more certain that we need war with Iran. "We will stand with the forces of dissent." (that means Israel)
Obama is still making sure Iran doesn't get a nuclear weapon.
(sarcasm) I'm sure Iran wants to fuck with the largest military the human world has ever seen. It only makes sense. They seem completely suicidal. (sarcasm)
Obama: "Iran is at it's weakest point."
True. We are causing riots they have so little resources.
They are taking up so much time to say the same things over and over again.
Romney doesn't see our influence growing. I'd argue that is because the GOP frightens the world. They are in place to become the newest strongest fascist government with the largest military in history if they succeed in taking over the country. And we are still killing people with drones all over Pakistan. It seems that the CIA is probably behind the drone killings. They petitioned for more drones last week, and there is now a lawsuit against the head of the CIA for authorizing drone strikes with little intelligence that there were actual terrorists.
Question 3: Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Do we still leave Afghanistan in 2014 if the country remains unstable?
Now Romney says he will absolutely withdraw by the end of 2014.
He has the exact same policy as Obama. Except he has no idea what to do
so he's just going to leave it up to the war mongering generals of the
Military Industrial Complex. Really?
Obama: The transition has to take place in a responsible fashion. But we need to leave so that they can govern themselves. After a decade at war we need to take care of our nation at home: rebuilding bridges, roads, and helping veterans.
Romney supports drones in Pakistan. Believes we need to keep it up and use more drone strikes. That will move the world away from terror and Islamic extremists.
Obama wants to reform the governments of the middle east to make sure they aren't corrupt. He should probably figure out how to do that here first. "We should be proud that we stood on the side of the people.... We need to remain vigilant on terrorist activity." There have been more deaths from home grown terrorist shootings this year than any danger from the middle east.
Obama "We need to compete with China", impossible while they allow slave labor to produce our iPods.
Romney doesn't want to be "an adversary of China in any way shape or form." If he is president America will be very strong. O.O
Moderator: You seem like you want to start a trade war with China as soon as you get into office.
Romney goes on to say all the things China can't do anymore. Since when do we tell China what to do? He wants war with Iran, now he wants trade sanctions on China, we're talking World War III here.
Obama calls Romney on shipping jobs overseas. Ironic since Obama signed legislation to increase trade with the far east.
Obama: Let's talk about education some more..... Even though this is the foreign policy debate.
Willard keeps saying, in my husband's words, "stop attacking meee..."
Romney lies like a rug.
Obama: "I'm happy to respond (shut up). You keep on trying to airbrush history."
Arguing about bailing out the auto industry, again. Willard says he supported the auto bailout.
Check the video, Willard said they needed to go through a managed bankruptcy. Liar Liar pants on fire.
Obama wants to invest in science and technology. And again with the roads, the bridges, the veterans. He promises he will listen to us and fight for our families. Maybe.
Romney wants to see peace. (again with the lies) He wants to make the world a safer place and make us more confident. He wants to get the economy going. He keeps touting the debt that Obama didn't create as the reason he has failed. Even though Obama has failed because of the racist GOP congress. Romney claims he can work across the isle. Even though at the start of his campaign last year he was a radical right conservative. I linked to some videos in this blog about Mitt Romney's former stances. This is the first time I have done this, but I just can't take it when he lies. I watched every single debate and many of his speeches and I can look up immediately that he said the opposite during this campaign. I encourage you to do the same if you have doubts about this election.
If this election is close with all the rigged voting machines and voter ID laws Mitt Romney could very well become our president. I'm sure the Romney supporters thought he did a fantastic job tonight, saying everything they wanted to hear while lying his ass off. Obama and the moderator did a good job of trying to expose it, I've provided some links to Mitt in his own words. The evidence speaks for itself. It's too late to register now.
I know it will work out for the best either way. Obama could pass legislation to help the middle class and the poor if he had a cooperative congress. But I'm not sure that is possible. If he wins we will still have to protest and be vigilant about changing the political and socials structures in this country. It will take longer for people to reach their breaking point. If Willard wins and he has a GOP congress they will pass so much more legislation than the George W. Bush administration got away with because there will be no one stopping them. Things will get much worse fast and there will be a quicker unifying and uprising of people. Mitt Romney may seem good to some people now, especially older racist people, but they won't be happy once he's privatized their medicaid. If the GOP steals this election we have to fight back. We didn't against George W. Bush but the enemies are far more apparent this time around. Hopefully on election day we've all made a wise decision. But either way, the change we fear but need desperately is at our doorstep.
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