
The 2nd Presidential Debate

Romney. Already lying about wanting to increase pell grants. Even though he wants to slash those benefits. They started off the debate with a lame soft pitch question of course. 

Obama comes off better talking to real people instead of Willard at a podium. Although I read a suggestion today that we eliminate moderators and let the candidates ask each other questions which I think would be really interesting. Obama as opposed to Mitt Romney has actually tried to relieve student loan debt and expanded the pell grant program. I know, I got one for school last year.  

Mitt Romney always sounds threatening when he addresses Obama. He has the talk down at you and point my finger tone like most business men I know. Obama is better when he can move around. The questions are all going to be lame. Having read the memoranda agreement. They know all the talking points they want to cover. They have their speaches memorized. But Romney can't help but butt in and answer when it's not his turn. 
Candy Crowly isn't Jim Leher though and she's not allowing for overtime or speaking out of turn. I like that. Romney comes off as a man who would not let another person ever get in the last word. 

It seems like they are play acting. Acting out the exact characters there are supposed to be.
I wish Obama had been more successful in establishing solar energy. I can't believe in 2012 that people are so ignorant that our President has to act like he Likes coal. No one should like coal, it kills people.

In not so many words RMoney just told Obama to sit the fuck down. Especially since he didn't try and speak yet and just stood up yet. The candidates seem like they would really duke it out if it wasn't for the room full of people. Or at least have a screaming fight. Much like if you asked any liberal to sit in a room with a conservative and talk politics. 

Mitt Romney is jerkily talking over the moderator. But I think people who like him, like that. He is the bully candidate. The candidate of the aggressors. It's sad that we have an entire party dedicated to lies and hurting the poor. Not that democrats have done anything great but they don't run on "fuck the lazy poor." We can't even agree on common sense anymore. We lost the reigns of the GOP a long time ago. 

Willard says nothing of substance. I don't know what's worse because Obama says all good things but none of them happen after the fact. I'm still not convinced Obama doesn't want real change. I am still waiting for someone to present me with real evidence that he is evil instead of just a puppet. As much as I don't like wars and drone strikes, social policy and tax policies that would change under Mitt Romney would be dangerous to our society. 

We are already crumbling under the weight of the expense of keeping a system like this afloat. This is not a sustainable system. They can't keep printing money forever, eventually it has to come crashing down. Unless we keep letting the fed print money behind our backs and do secret bailouts. Even still I think we are heading towards a change of the financial system. Not because the powers at be will relinquish control, but because it is literally unsustainable for the long term because the entire system is based entirely around fraud. 

Obama policies, for instance the American Jobs Act, had they passed, would be helping us now. Romney's policy would be devastating to the middle class and the poor. Obama just called Willard on the math of his tax policy. That's a nice change. Obama is back on his game speaking quickly and surely. He comes across better when not confined and moving around. Mitt Romney seems stiff and authoritative. Some people are into that I suppose. The stiff people of the world. 

They set Obama up with another soft question to blah blah blah about how awesome he is for the Lilly Led-better Fair Pay Act. I wonder how that passed the congress. Oh, it was in 2009 before they won the majority with the rise of the Tea Party. 

Mitt is bragging about the fact that he had to Hunt Down a woman for his board because their were no qualified candidates in the pool. Hate him. How could any woman like this sleeze. It makes my skin crawl. I hate to say it but I judge people based on how they talk and look and their body language, their entire self. I always have. 

I always want to meet Obama in person. I can't believe he is evil but its hard to tell having never met someone in person. If that is the case, and Obama is lying about who he is, that means everything he's ever said to the American people is a lie. That he is completely acting about everything. He panders to those lower on the intelligence pole and he often omits things as all people do, most especially public figures. But I just can't get myself to believe President Obama doesn't want what I want. I don't think he can accomplish it. I especially know he can't accomplish anything without risking his life and his family. If speaking out strongly meant risking Zack and Kyle I don't know what I'd do. What would you do?
Mitt Romney is that kid in school who copied his homework in the begining of class and tells the teacher when she forgets to check it. Therefore fucking over anyone else who didn't do it either.

Twitter is ablaze. I find it super funny that even the people who don't watch the debate post about not watching. Or complain about what everyone else wants to talk about on Facebook which I never understand. Facebook has ample tools to weed out information you don't want to see and tailor your universe to only opinions that agree with your own. Those people who complain want to wake up and want to know what's going on, but since they don't they resent anyone who is openly fascinated by what's going on. 

Mitt Romney is full of lame talking points. I can't believe the American people are recognizing him as an actual candidate. He has no substance and what he does have is creepy and sociopathic. Pod person is an understatement. If Obama is a pod person, he is the best pod person the world has ever seen. The future will tell us. I can't wait to see what kind of man Obama becomes after his time as the first black president is over. He will be the youngest ex president in history. He will have a lot of time left on this earth. It will become evident if he means what he says by what he chooses to use his power for after he is no longer accompanied 24/7. 

Neither of them look confident on foreign policy. They have Almost the same policies on drones, Afghanistan, and Israel. The only difference is that Mitt Romney has stated he wants to go to war in Iran in prior debates. President Obama has given no indication that he wants to use military force in Iran. I realize that may change after the election. If Mitt wins it is certain. If Obama wins, who knows. Some believe the Democrats are lying just as much as the GOP. Will Obama win? Will we get to find out?

Obama cracks a joke about how big Mitt Romney's pension is compared to his own as president. Romney tries to go after Obama for his offshore accounts and investments. It goes no where. I'll have to fact check that one. 

The end rounded off with Obama's typical talking points about Bin Laden and Everyone getting their fair shot. Then it was Mitt's turn to tell us again how badly the President failed us in Benghazi. Nothing new was learned. Those who like Obama will continue to like Obama, and those who like Romney will continue to like Romney. But this election isn't about those people. This election is about all the people who will be voting for Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Rocky Anderson, Rosanne Barr, and Jill Stein. Jill Stein was arrested earlier today while outside the debate protesting.    Watch the video of her arrest

Many people are frustrated with the 2 party system. I think we Americans are going to find out for the first time what happens when neither candidate wins a majority of the vote. In a 2 party system when a 3rd party candidate or even 4th candidate takes away votes from the two major parties it will give the weaker party the chance for a power grab. In these scenarios it is the red states that will have the advantage. Only time will tell. Not much time at that. It's going to be quite a month. 

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