
We Are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.

This is literally one of my hands down favorite photos of all time. Taken a couple weeks after Hurricane Sandy. Kyle and I went to the Halloween store like we do every year to get more home decor and costume supplies before next year, but this time just to look. Instead of being bare and missing most of the good costumes. It was an ENTIRELY FULL costume store. The storm was on Halloween, Gram was convinced she would still be handing out candy apples over planks and puddles like the hurricane years of my youth. Good we didn't let her stay like she wanted to. We needed to buy something, we were also unemployed prior to the storm because of the economy crumbling. We were active internet activists. I had already started writing. Kyle helped me find live-streams to follow and got me screen shot capabilities and all kinds of other sources of information, like satellite images of The Island as I have always called it my entire life while no one else had power back yet but we did within 24 hours. People were out for 2 weeks. While I was on my computer circling peoples houses. Trying to figure out from the air which house is which. Finally seeing that even though it was still underwater, Grams house wasn't knocked out entirely by someone's bulk head that was the size of her house and washed up in the backyard.

So we had already made a joke song claiming to be Anonymous, while getting really into politics and trolling people online who were terrible. And these two weird goth kids, one a girl with short blue hair, wearing all black who were super nice joked up and down every single full isle and imagined being every costume left. I had never before in my life seen a full Halloween store because I always get there 2 days before. I suddenly realized that the families that open those stores must live the rest of the year on the money like people who work the boardwalk. We bought two very over priced, Thanks Capitalism, Guy Fawkes, aka revolutionary Stockholm syndrome, masks and left with a deep seated feeling of it being very wrong when you are right sometimes.

Until Next Time...

With Love,
      Jackie Lane

Another Nightmare

I had another nightmare last night. Usually I don't remember my dreams at all. For some reason Daylight Savings Time is making me remember them. Unfortunately. 

This one was about Craig. It was a short script version of our life together, I love you, I shower you with attention. When you finally cave and give me attention he screams at you how worthless you are and shits in your mouth before leaving and saying none of it ever happened and he "Can't Remember". 

For all you fun friends knowledge. He's told me flat and frankly to my face that he remembers Everything in vivid detail, much like I do with my anxiety disorder. That his mental illness is a scam to get at drugs and female counselors to abuse. I am guessing that's why he needs drugs and alcohol to numb himself.  Because he knows how he has hurt, raped, & maimed so many people. How can you live with yourself knowing you raped your wife & life partner while she was crying? That you fit the textbook definition of an abuser by making her repeatedly late for work over the years. To the point she dumped a half full beer on accident into her lap you left In The Car you had been driving while she was on her way to work. 

And not only have you repeatedly humiliated her, you told other people about these things in public situations. You make fun of and try and degrade everyone like a true sadist. But nothing made me hate you like making fun of your own wife did. Kyle would never make fun of me to other people. He loves everything about me. And saves all jokes pertaining to my insanity between the two of us, as romantic partners should. Privacy is key. Don't snitch on your spouses secrets. Like when you told me her rape trauma story without her permission & as a justification for your current level of domestic abuse. 

After you've done drugs for long enough to replace human interaction, you will eventually lose the high. So you have to move to abusing your family and lying to get the same chemical high from your body. Wouldn't it be worth it to just be good to people and respect them. If you're not so vile as to be unloved entirely, human interaction is better than heroin.

He literally has told me negative hateful shit about every single one of our friends. And he has told every single one of our old friends who talks to him and his wife, hateful shit about me. That's all he knows how to do. Kiss ass until he talks shit. Two of the men sticking by him who have both seen me in public since but now ignore my existence like I am not in the room despite my gigantic presence, he called spoiled rich brats who he used for their cars, surfboards, & money. People he described as wealthy assholes who he just hung around to take from, which is what he does to anyone no matter how little they have, so there really is no difference there other than that he Extra hates people who are better off & more successful than him. 

I've always loathed jealousy. It's such a useless emotion. Maybe because even with all my struggles I've always thought I had a beautiful life. My mom always made it so I had a beautiful life even when the men in my life have tried to destroy me for their own pleasure. 

I see things differently. 

Rose colored glasses. 

Think Pink. 

I think the worst part about being friends with them all those years. Even worse than rape trauma syndrome. Was being convinced by him that I Hated people. That I wished harm on anyone. That I believed people were all terrifying and that I needed to live in fear of them. 

All of those thoughts are the antithesis of me. 

That's how I got out. I studied my younger child-aged self and Knew deeply who I was.

I would never say other people on welfare don't deserve it, Yes I know they are mostly scum fuck drug addicts like you. I am the person who loves people anyway and believes drug addicts deserve basic levels of care and supervision so they don't accidentally die or hurt themselves or rape people, if for some reason drugs and alcohol make you incapable of rape.

I read recently that alcohol doesn't make you do worse things. It makes you do things you already wanted to do anyway but thought better of. I don't necessarily agree with the assumption then that they are things you would do anyway. Although if you kill or rape someone on purpose because you are drunk you were a murderer and a rapists to begin with. Alcohol made me sick and made it possible for me to lie, even with my OCD that doesn't allow for lying. It allowed for the detachment that was the VAST omissions and avoidance of topics with anyone I trusted that allowed for real lying.

I wonder if he's still peddling the shitty book I burned about him and one of his brothers murdering a girl who is the daughter of a cop, to those famous people who don't give a shit. Or if he actually attempted to write another. It's funny because I know actual EDITORS and PUBLISHERS of books and lit. People who actually care about putting out books and you might contact about those things. Who aren't at all "famous". Is there anything more disgusting personality trait than fame seeking? 

It's the Donald Trump method where all publicity is good publicity.

I honestly remember thinking while I was reading "Termites in the Family Tree", this is a short and pointless book. I read it in less than a few hours, it was only the length of a short novella and not a novel. For an hour of that I was at a swim lesson of Zack's. I remember thinking, this can't be the person I convinced myself I was in love with 4 years ago. He's so stupid and misogynist. This isn't the person he presented himself to me as whatsoever. I know now it's because he mimics the good men around women, like my husband, or the other women's significant others, and pretends to be like them, until he convinces you that OTHER men are the enemy. That all men are to be feared. Eventually he gets around to showing you his true colors when he can't keep the facade up and showing you he is the only man you should have feared.

I don't know why I couldn't just RUN then instead of digging so much deeper. 

When I opened my blog for the first time in months the other day I realized he's one of my only 2 followers. Not that he still uses his blog or that I even have that gmail account but it made me think that maybe it's time to start a new blog. It made me sad though to think about abandoning all the work I've done here exploring myself. I like that once you get here you can dig into my history. I wish that I could figure out the passwords to my old LiveJournals and DeadJournal and include those links as well. History is important.

So we went over two of the men who have chosen patriarchy's side, but as far as the women go. One of the women who stands by him and who I never could figure out why she would hate me but now makes perfect sense since he only has Secret friendships and she broke up with the man he convinced her to have a baby with right before I met him the time we actually became friends when my son was 3. Right around when we all became friends she convinced me and his then fiance to go out drinking with her. She brought her son into my salon so she could get her hair done by my cousin Lindsey and her son had double pink eye, which I told her and she shrugged off. I wound up getting the horrific eye infection from him since I was holding him while she got her hair done to go out that night, and he was touching my face as babies do.

If he's been saying the kinds of things he and his wife said about her to me, and that he says about everyone, to these women about me all these years. It now makes perfect sense why they don't like me. He told me that this woman who used to breast feed openly in front of him who sexualizes pregnant and nursing women all the time at his wife's grandmother's house, hit her significant other who was younger than her, at the time. I believed him. This was bullshit. 

That grown 20 something year old man he claimed was domestically abused is now a public BDSM sexual abuser and was one of the men I saw at the women's march in January after Trump's inauguration. I no longer attend protests or think the police can protect us at them. It's the men we need protecting from in the first place. Why are they armed and patrolling our marches "for protection". Benevolent sexism is still sexism. We need men free marches if we want to see change. If men respected female only spaces the way men only spaces are revered. Then we would see change.

One time while he was doing his pretend I don't exist phase, after Jack was born even though Jackie Baby's name, as he insisted on calling him in front of both his wife and myself was INSANELY triggering to both of us, I had gone to a party at their house on a Saturday & Zack left his water bottle for school there. The next day or the day after I stopped by to pick it up. I was there for about 5 minutes. While I was there my cousin was there bringing breast milk for Jack. I know that he fetishizes breast feeding in a really disgusting way, and I'm certain that if I had a husband like that, I wouldn't be able to feed my baby either. Also evidently you're not a good & crunchy enough mother if you can't breast feed because of rape trauma & you have to use formula. These are the kinds of things that are making me stop talking to people even though I really love everyone and don't care what they do. I don't care if your a sinner, I just prefer you're not a judge.

This cousin of mine who gave them breast milk she had stored, has cheated on her husband who she's been with since she was a teenager. And I have a feeling was abused by SOMEONE as a kid since we all show similar symptoms, but when I tried to vent to her & have someone, another woman, to talk to when at that point I had no one, as my literal LIFE LONGEST FRIEND. She told me to seek professional help. I have since found out who my real friends are and have support networks of women online to turn to and who don't blame women for their own suffering and abuse.

When you have mentally ill friends who have been mentally ill most of their life & definitely their entire adult life & they try and talk to & relate to you about depression & in this case men & sexual abuse. Don't tell them to talk to a professional. Mentally ill people need real friends. Maybe we wouldn't show such signs of emotional neglect if we had families that acted like families. It's honestly not even the sexual abuse that kills you, that your body has defense mechanisms for protecting you from fully remembering. After people find out, it's the having all your family & friends change. It's how many people just start pretending you don't exist, because if you exist than it is real. And if you don't exist they can keep pretending they don't know anyone who rapes. It's not the knowing a victim, everyone knows a victim or two. Unless you're to untrustworthy and misogynist no one will even tell you that has happened to them. But we all know people who have been sexually abused. No one needs to imagine that. But very very few of us, think we know a sexual abuser well. And I statistically guarantee you, that we all do.

So after months of my cousin Alexis not answering me like a friend should. She then tells me after I block her for being abusive about my mental illness through her own Facebook page by immediately signing into her husband James' Facebook page, who just received his DOCTORATE in physical therapy. And his Facebook page says that he, the most passive person I've ever met, who I really can't see jumping into a fight with me and his wife over mental health to give me a misdiagnonsense or about ANYTHING, says he thinks I have Borderline Personality Disorder. Which is a highly offensive thing to do for anyone. But Especially someone who thinks they are a doctor. You don't diagnose your friends unless they become patients somehow, and really that's considered a conflict of interest in most cases.

As someone who has studied the DSM in depth and read more than one book on it and on the history and origin of the American Psychiatric profession. I believe Borderline Personality Disorder originated as a way for male psychiatrists to diagnose their patients as having "poor boundaries" and being "irresistibly sexual". Because they, the doctor, in the position of power started an improper relationship with a patient and needed a way to diagnose the patient into the blame. In my humble fucking opinion, saying an abused woman (or male child, I have seen this in my life too) has BPD (which can also be BIPOLAR personality disorder) and medicating them into silence is the same thing as Drapetomania. Of course people in a psychiatric office because they have suffered grooming style abuse, will be more easily groomed and abused. 

As a matter of fact, when I was groomed by the last person in adulthood, I knew and was well aware of my history of abuse, but because I was still carrying it around as a secret I was still vulnerable (a few friends & my husband knew). I thought that being educated would protect me. But I didn't realize one of the people closest to me still was one of my abusers and he told me to be friends with DAn so I trusted DAn WAY too much. Nothing Really bad happened to me in that instance, but I know now it could have, I also know how humiliating it was and how it almost destroyed me to find out the truth, since my current abuser hid from me that DAn was a for real child molester and rapist. 

The desire of slaves to run free was a psychiatric disorder. Just like modern psychology is trying to blame the eating disorders, muscle spasms, & emotional meltdown screaming of rape trauma syndrome, emotional neglect & abuse, because let's face it, they all go skipping happily into the future together, on the person who was abused instead of on the people in this culture who were brainwashed into abusing them. 

A 3rd woman who hates me because of whatever the fuck Craig said all those years ago, was his first girlfriend officially. When I figured out that I had aspergers through online psychological testing and reading a lot of shit related to that, I was afraid to tell anyone that I had figured out why I wasn't good at judging that people are going to be bad to me and hurt me. Autism or aspegers if your low on the spectrum means you have an issue with processing social cues. This had suddenly explained to me a lifetime of just not "getting it". No one knows if this is from heavy metal exposure, or a life of emotional abuse and gas lighting, or a gene, those are just some theories but it doesn't matter if you're born that way or become that way through abuse. It's still a challenge when you constantly assume people are being good to you when they are not. I decided to tell this person before literally anyone else because her son was the only person I knew with an official diagnosis at that point. I thought someone whose most loved person in the world had the disorder would be someone who wouldn't hate me for admitting something obviously was off about me. I believe she accused me of making it up. Why or how anyone would Make Up the symptoms of OCD and agoraphobia is beyond me. I was this person, I researched what my symptoms were and found out what happened to me and who I was. I didn't find out about abuse, and how kids with social processing disorders are more likely to be abused and decide I was that. I discovered I was that.

She is a writer for the Asbury Park Press and basically has what my dream job would be if journalists actually covered real news and were allowed to write in their own voice instead of this manufactured falseness that makes even the worst bullshit in life sound flowery for The Papers. 

Capitalist propaganda is not really news. 

I gave her some photos and a few story ideas while we were friends, those things are free to me, I don't sell my art. She attacked me for being mentally ill and told me that it's not possible me AND her son have Aspergers cause that's a thing, once someone has a thing, no one else can figure out they have it... I really looked up to her as a person before she told me off for being autistic, whatever that means.

2 or 3 years later during the period where I talked to no one but Craig he told me that this woman, when she was a girl, was being raped by him orally (he said head, I changed it to rape since I know he's a HEAD PUSHER! and legally they were children) and her own father saw what was happening and instead of saying, My BABY CHILD TEENAGER shouldn't be subjugating themself as their first sexual act, get the fuck out of here with this teenager bullshit, he shrugged it off as normal and let it continue. As a mother, thinking of myself as a teenager from my mother's perspective, however I TRY AND SLICE IT!! What fucking father sees their child (girl OR boy) sucking dick of a disgusting already on drugs kid, and is like, that's cool. I'm not gonna say anything...

What kind of future does a daughter have when their father has treated them in such a way. It reminds me of my father saying to me "only girls who suck dick have their tongue pierced". Which lead me to getting that done as one of my first piercings and then NEVER SUCKING A DICK WITH IT! Just having it because I liked it. I feel like I am dressing and looking attractive these days for similar reasons. I may be beautiful conventionally sometimes, but if you touch me I will beat you to death with my broom stick. I'm a trap.

I hate that he has filled my head with stories of how he abused women. I wish no women were ever abused & yet I was able to forgive & love & care for & protect someone who has done the worst kinds of damage to people I consider loved ones. People I trusted with my child's care. People I wanted to be my close female friends because they have been through similar life experiences as I have. I wanted them to fight back with me. I want them to realize I was never their enemy.

I have to write about some of the stuff with the kids. My kid even. Some of the things that should have been red flags that made me "go insane" or jump ship long before I was able. But this is long and gross enough for now. I just can't wait until next year when all these memories are out already and behind me.

I just want my life back. I want my sanity back. I am just starting to feel like I have agency of my body. But I won't stop until I have my mind as well.

Until Next Time...

With Love, 
- Jackie lane


Science Fiction

If it helps to imagine I've made all this up. By all means. You wouldn't be the only one. 

The book I am reading is validating how I could have convinced myself back then that keeping these lies and not hurting everyone else even though it hurt me all the time was the right thing to do. It's not good really. That we always think we are right. That's why I keep the type of people around me who will argue with me when I'm wrong. Some of my smarter friends and wiser family has gotten me this far since I seem incapable of learning the social cues that mean someone shouldn't be trusted. 

It explains why I feel really good with the decisions I made even though they were all bad. Because now I am safe and this research proves that it is Very unhealthy for me to see them all the time. I don't know what I'm gonna feel about the house, but with the swing set gone. And the playhouse where Zack and DD played at Nanny and Pop Pop's back yard in as babies and that I was raped in when they were 9 and barely speaking to either of us. I just want it gone. I am trying to tell myself that I am fine. That this has nothing to do with me anymore. But that is really an unrealistic expectation of myself at this point because I think of myself as a cartoon character internet persona super hero and not a broken human being. I don't know if I will EVER heal from what happened and that scares the shit out of me.

But I AM and I always was the hopeless optimist getting made fun of by people like you because I believe that a world where humans care and nurture one another can exist instead of one where we expose and violate people's privacy. 

It is the suppression of the word that gives it the violence & the viciousness. Talking about things isn't violence. Violence is violence. And poverty is violence. The ways in which we talk about things or don't has the power to change them. The culture of fear has stopped us from exploring ideas to save the beach during climate change, has overlooked ways that precious metals could be used to make solar panels or hydroponic food towers or MOTHER FUCKING SPEED TRAINS BITCHES GOD DAMN IT. Is anyone listening? 

Don't threaten the ones you love. And to anyone afraid of me... I go to work. I go to local music and art shows and I Occasionally but not in TRUMPLAND really go to protests. I is trying to stay off lists these days. I am trying not to be a member. I have pretty much decided I wouldn't want to be included in any group that would have someone like me as a member. We need to start over. We dun fucked up. 

Until Next Time...
Jackie Lane



I decided to finally type out and publish the poem that I wrote in the police station. I had already waited over 2 hours for a female officer to come help me, once she read what I had to say it took another good half and hour before they told me a female sex crimes detective wasn't available and that they only had 2 and insisted I talk to the male detective even though he shook my hand, made fun of how I looked, and dismissed me coldly. 

Here is the poem I wrote while waiting for her to come back after being the only person at that point to read the worst things I thought were crimes. Like being assaulted while screaming no or while unconsciously drunk. 

 I have aspirations of reading it in public someday or of making it a song or spoken word art but we will see. For now. This.


Why did you wait so long?

Why didn't you say something the first time?

How can any female remember the first time being harassed?

The first time a man "unintentionally" grazed our ass?

As we walk past the graves of those before us

Was it someone who should have cared for us?

Someone who said they loved us?

Just some strange dude on the bus?

When do you know enough is never enough?

When do you stand up and call their bluff?

When do you realize they are not so tough?

You have all the stuff

You can stop them 

You can say no 

But it is something you have to be told

Until Next Time...

-Jackie Lane


"If you're not angry, you're just stupid, or you don't care."

 This is a real photo of the full moon taken yesterday. Credit: Guido Bibra

I almost never remember my dreams these days. 

I prefer not to remember them. 

It's never worth it. 

Last night I had a nightmare. I didn't even want to describe it to my husband when I told him I felt sick after I woke up. Sadists in charge of children really has me sick lately. It's very common. Men who don't hesitate to hurt women are raising another generation of human beings. They think it's their right and freedom to terrorize people into a life of constant fear. 

You are The Man, the big brother we are supposed to watch out for. 

It is literal. 

You are the imperialist if you believe in fear. 

Fear of terrorists, fear of violence, fear of Nazis, fear of rapists. 

The fear is what controls you. 

You just sit there afraid of all the things you're constantly bombarded with when the only thing to be afraid of is wasting the short precious time that human life consists of. I would like to say I'm not angry anymore. To say that being angry lets the bad guys win. But I'm honestly outraged at people's lack of anger. 

How can you know any percentage of the child population is trafficked into slavery or raped before they should be old enough to know what sex is, and not be in any way angry at that fact?

How can you know husband's hit their wives for talking to other people, or for trying to look at what secrets they hide in their phone and not be the littlest bit angry? 

How can you know indigenous people are barely respected any more these days then they were when we first started raping and murdering their people and their land? How can you know their children were stolen from them and broken to behave like "white" citizens and not be angry? 

How can you know that CEO's of major corporations are profiting off the illness and death of millions and not be angry? 

How can you know that father's rape their daughters and their daughter's die of overdose or the father dies of health problems and those fathers are lauded as loving doting pillars of their community and not be angry? 

How can you see Donald Trump as the leader of "The Free World" and not be angry? 

How can you see your rapist walking freely down the street, still never there for his family, still lying his face off to all of society and going to entirely get away with continuing to be the scumbag drunk, addicted to pain pills and sexually assaulting everyone they know, without being angry? 

How can you know that the most popular pornography on the internet is violent gonzo rape porn and not be angry? 

How can you know that a majority of the human adult male population thinks that it is somehow a turn on sexually to see women humiliated and degraded and not be angry? 

How can you know that every day women are choked and displayed like chunks of meat for auction and that society is condoning this as a potentially feminist act and not be angry? 

How can you know that society condones the subjugation of the female sex class and not be angry? 

Your pacifism is the way in which evil operates. The Fog of War. People can not see the evil right in front of them while using flowery language to explain away the current atrocities of human existence. Loss will always be. Life will never be forever.

Life is not torture. 
Life is not beauty. 
Life is what we bring into existence.
Life is what we believe.
Life is how we care for the environment that cares for us.

Life is how we call into existence everything that is.

I am genuinely concerned with the lack of care I see taking place among families. Lack of money which is just a representation of how we live, spent on hygiene & health. So much money spent on chasing youth which is not real, as time isn't linear & all life consists of a steady aging as we perceive it. We invest in comforting devices & products instead of realizing what we need is human contact. 

I always knew that is what I needed. But time & time again people have told me heaping mounds of lies to my face about what a good friend to me they were while talking shit to anyone else who will listen behind my back, or just never being there for me at all unless it helps them. 

The same people who take my money, my time, my artistry, my muse, and my strength kicked me in the face while I was down and told everyone not to trust me. But guess what, it's easy to trust someone compelled to tell the truth. So I've kept and gained a lot of wonderful friends while trying to break free of misogyny. And it's a lot easier to tell who the scum bags are these days now that I've seen what a pill or alcohol addiction can really turn someone into.

 Now I see your example in a million other faces. 

A monster groping at the light inside of everyone ripping the gentle hearts out of those entrusted to their care. 

Taking away everything that makes them feel secure until even spending time with the emotionally riddling addict is better than being entirely alone and isolated. 

Eventually you pray for the isolation anyway because even the void feels better than constant pain. 

You wish for death often. 

Being entirely alone might as well be death. 

Nothing is funny when you're always the butt of some assholes sick joke.

The fear can never fully end. Now I see men in charge of children everywhere I go. And I wonder, what the fuck is the patriarchy doing? How do we think men can watch filmed rape and torture porn in statistically significant numbers, see it in a significant amount of divorces and allow them the right to raise children? 

Anyone documented as watching gonzo and contributing to the capitalism that enslaves and rapes the female class should be hung after having a firing squad aim only at the dick & limbs, & set on fire slightly before kicking out the barrel. 

I am so proud of writing this last paragraph that I show it to Kyle immediately. 

His response was so good it's also getting included, "seems too quick."

I have somewhere I am going with this about who Should raise children and some other connecting ideas but I want to end on the seems too quick joke. When it goes on longer than this many words no one is following along and interested anymore anyway.

Until Next Time...

-Jackie Lane