My best friend is the first testimony and her father and sister are further into the video. Don't trust the media, trust the opinions of people you know.
A girl named Geraldine was murdered by the brutal military police response when she was hit in the face with a rubber bullet. "Non-lethal" violence is still violence.
We Are All Scott Olsen
Feel the Connectivity. We are not alone.
There is so much violence in Venezuela right now. Every 20 minutes someone is murdered. They are without necessities like rice, toilet paper, sugar, and flour and yet Maduro is dancing on television while students are being beaten by his thugs in the streets. I no longer trust any news source. On the television or otherwise. The internet is just as full of corrupt corporate government propaganda as the television. All your dot coms are belong to us.
Another Bloggers In Person Account of the Violence and Why She Left the Country
On Sunday March 9th I went to a protest in Times Square to show support for the students standing up against the riot police in Venezuela.
Here Is How the Police In Venezuela Would Respond To What We Did In Time Square
Here Is My Best Friend Protesting On the Streets of NYC
This is the English Translation of her Speech:
"I'm here at this moment representing all of the students who are fighting for a better country and all of the mothers who've lost their children. I'm the international representative for the movement Resitencia Venezuela and I want to make a world wide calling and report the political persecution from which our students are victims. Simply for thinking differently and for wanting a better country. Our young people are being threatened. Their lives are in danger in this very moment for talking. For sharing their ideas. For wanting a free and democratic country. The movement of Venezuelan Resistance want me to make a report and this is a message to the ONU (United Nations) and the OEA (Organization of American States). WE SAY NO to the Cuban intelligence. We demand the immediate expulsion of the military and police troupes of the occupation and all of the members of the department of intelligence G-2 MINFAR (The Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces.) Resistencia Venezuela denounce the crimes that violate human rights. Torture and persecution caused by the institutions of the Venezuelan country that for 15 years have functioned and work as political appendages of the PSUV (United Socialist Party of Venezuela.) Especially fiscal general Luisa Ortega Diaz, Public Defender Gabriela Rodriguez, and President of the TSJ Supreme Court Justice Gladys Gutierrez. It is not fair that our people and our students have to go through this. WE WANT A DEMOCRACY! WE DON'T WANT A DICTATORSHIP! WE DON'T WANT TO LIVE THE WAY THEY LIVE IN CUBA!"

We need to remember what people like us look like. We need to remember that we aren't the upper classes being sold to on television and in the media. Do you live paycheck to paycheck despite investing much of your money into payroll taxes every year?
Obama can appear on Funny or Die to promote the Affordable Care Act which is making the insurance companies billions of dollars because there is no public option and now we all have to enroll. I think we all deserve healthcare but this is not a poverty issue, it's a middle class issue. Good on Zach Galifianakis for making a quip about Drone Strikes to the Actual President of the United States in a real life interview. But where were the jokes to bring light to people in THIS country who are food insecure and just lost their food stamps due to the cuts that millionaires in congress approved of and President Obama signed?
Stop trusting propaganda with excellent production value and sponsors and start sharing things that were made by artists you know. Or artists who your friends know.
There is so much more depth to the history of Shock and Awe psychological operations on civilians in South America and around the globe but you're going to have to do your own reading on that. I suggest you start with The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Cline.
Tell Me: Do These Kids Look Threatening Or Just Like You And Me?
A rough translation of the text, "We were hiding in the common room, from the police and their armed escorts."
My Best Friend's Speech In Spanish In Time Square
Este video fue grabado el 09 de Marzo de 2014 a las 2:30 PM en Times Square, NY, U.S.A. con el soporte y certificación del Movimiento Pacifista Venezolano Resistencia Venezuela 58.
Cuenta Oficial de Twitter de Resistencia Venezuela 58
Cuentas certificadas por regiones:
Lara @resvenezuela11
Monagas @ResVenezuela10
Mérida @ResistenciaVM
Zulia @ResVenezuela4
Carabobo @ResVenezuela
Barinas @ResVenezuela7
Mérida @ResistenciaVM
New York U.S.A. @ResistenciaVeNY
Lots of Imagery Set To Music. We Need More Art With Language We Can All Understand
There is testimony from masked protestors about why they are part of the resistance.
Find more information on Twitter #sosvenezuela #sosvenezuelaNYC
Use Your Privilege

That brave little girl front and center doesn't have to be afraid to protest because she is in America now. But she is fighting for her brothers and sisters.
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