
What Do We Do?

So what do we do to change this?

Start buying second hand. Any penny you can keep out of their hands is a win. But I figured out Friday that alone we can do nothing. For instance my mom owns two businesses. She even sells coffee. But when she's at work, she likes McDonald's coffee. But even if she bought one every day (Which is a gross over exaggeration) and stopped, she'd only be taking $365 dollars out of the hands of McDonald's. That's not even penny's to them. That isn't a noticeable percentage. So there is a sort of myth about what kind of power there remains to boycott.

What is really important is the farm Bill. Most of American commerce is in service and most of it food. Every paper pusher or commuter has to eat fast food once if not twice a day. Even if you are a great planner who brings lunch and breakfast to save money or for health reasons. Some days you are going to forget. Can't make a 10 hour work on an empty stomach. This economy goes 'round on the backs of the people who serve our fuel. Aka calories. 

We need to remove all federal subsidies to corporation's. No more tax breaks for banks, agriculture companies, oil companies, etc. Do away with any subsidy that isn't paying for food, education, and shelter for the poor and there would be a lot of money to spare for all the things we need to fix. There should be a maximum wage difference between CEO and employee at this point. And there should be a max amount of energy a person or corporation can use per year unless they prove to the rest of us they need it. No more using valuable oil and coal to heat and light mansions unless you can prove your mansion is contributing to its local economy back the same amount it uses. 

Solar panels would mean Everyone collects from the grid and contributes to the grid. There are a lot of ideas. We just don't have any revenues to implement them because the "people" making all the profits (But nothing of tangible value) legally stopped paying taxes a long time ago.

Damn, well said. This, to me, is a lost battle in America unless everyone changes together. Is their anyway it is not a lost battle?

I hear people say words and phrases every day that 2 or 3 years ago they had never heard of. Popular culture and awareness can change now at the speed of internet. 

In moments on Twitter instead of decades of news print. We're winning. There are more of us than their are of them. 

The only problem is that so much wealth is concentrated in the hands of so few. if they decide go throw a temper tantrum as the myth of infinite growth pops they could take us all down with them. But not if we're prepared. 

Nerds put the internet back up on Cairo. in less than 24 hours. 

No one is taking knowledge away from anyone. Some people are trying to prevent knowledge expansion. As religions and wealthy have always done but the poor in America have smart phones. 

There are 300 million of us. We have power. "We" just don't know it. I hope we can all pay more attention and right the ship before we sink entirely. 

Grander civilizations have crumbled. The Egyptians. The Mayans. The Romans. And so many others. But the satellites aren't coming down any time soon. I think everything is fixable. 

No fate is set. All decisions are made in the now.  

 This is an amazing speech to go unheard, except by me and a few others who read it.
"I'll put it in my blog"

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