Tonight I hope to be starting something. Something that will be important in the lives of all the women I know. Someday.
This is girls night at Jackie Lane's house. In honor of all the turmoil surrounding women lately I'm starting my very own version of a support group. I am tired of the negativity. I am tired of the fighting and lying and general unkindness in the world of women.
This blog post is actually supposed to be about the current contraception debate happening in American politics. It's just downright astounding to some of us, that in 2012, the time we saw in our childhood as the future, we are debating the contraception rights of women. I bet Loretta Lynn didn't know her radio-banned track "The Pill" would be relevant again 40 years later.The pill is not even debatable. If you want to debate in your own religious institutions whether you as women want to take the pill as a part of your religious beliefs then go right ahead. But that has absolutely nothing to do with what women who have full medical coverage should have available as health services.
There is no link between what Catholics believe, and what an insurance Corporation should be required to make affordable or available to women. Let me just put this out there as someone who was Catholic. I was raised to believe in confession and reconciliation, we make choices in our lives that don't always agree with the established set of morals in our religion. The way Catholics deal with this is to literally confess verbally their sins to God in the form of a priest. No one is expected to know your sins but God, that is Catholic doctrine.
So let's say there is a woman who is Catholic and believes in her faith but has made a decision the church doesn't agree with. She can confess to God and then it is no one's business but God to decide if she has made the right moral choices in her life. Any good Catholic would know this, I know a few, they are left to the wolves who are perverting what was once our faith. Birth control is between you, God (if that is how you see it), and the doctor. Every insurance plan should cover every medical procedure or medication for all people. That is the point of insurance, to make sure you will not go without what you need, when you need it.
And while I'm at it. I'm going to personally stand up and say that abortion should be covered as well. There are a lot of passionate people who feel very strongly about their beliefs in this matter and I am one of them. I am so very proud that I am the type of friend who has had multiple people confide in me their hardest decision in life. I myself was placed with a decision at 20 years old. I was able to decide if at 21 I was going to be ready and able to care for another human being. I've always felt older than my age. I've always felt wise beyond my years. I also believe in personal responsibility and that the best things in life can come from the hardest struggles. But not every story is the same. Not every woman has a man like my husband as the father of her child.
Parenting takes a village and is exponentially easier when you are working as a team with someone and not on your own, and I am thankful for my good fortune. As a girl who got to make the easier choice in my situation, I feel blessed. I would stand right beside every single girl I know who has made that hard choice as having made the right choice. Because every single one of them knew her own life and her own capabilities with what she had available to her at the time and every single one of them is wise beyond her years. Now if you are lucky like me than you might think you could never handle or chose to have an Abortion.
Have you ever thought of what you would do if you had a medical test come back while you were pregnant that said your child would be born with a painful debilitating illness and never progress mentally? Something that would literally hurt them and you could not afford to get them the best care available. It's almost impossible to imagine. How about imagining the man who impregnated you is an abusive drug addict who will insist on being a strong influence in your child's life? Or maybe this man also impregnated your best friend and another women that very same month? I understand the argument that every life is valuable but it's a lot easier to say that when you've lived a comfortable life. At the beginning stages of life, the cells that will become a human being are the same cells that start every living being. But nature has included a system for preventing the continuation of pregnancy if it can tell you are too young, too old, or not healthy for whatever reason natures deems reasonable. But life is no longer based around nature. Human being are not what we once were.
We as women can not talk about our periods or miscarriages because it is completely taboo. But lately I keep asking myself, "How can these things be taboo when they are the things that every single mother, sister, daughter, wife, lover, and friend has to experience?" I caught myself typing "has to deal with" because these things are taught to us as negative and bad, something to keep secret and shameful because these are things that only happen to women.
In a world that is filled with more and more negativity as the days go by and where money and security are absolutely a concern of whether or not it's a good time to bring forth new life, we need to stop demonizing women who make the wise choice to delay their years of motherhood. That is the reality, abortion does not prevent motherhood and most women who have had abortions are mothers or some day will be mothers of someone you know. We can make it a mission to stop vilifying the women and the mothers of the world for making the wise decisions that nature is no longer capable of making for us because we are so far-removed from a spiritual connection to life. We can bring about social networks and help young mothers by paying them enough money to be able to support their children, and by respecting that all mothers are wise no matter how young. In our society we have belittled the work of mothers. We need to start respecting women and the role of motherhood.
We see a housewife's work as easy and therefore we take advantage and do not appreciate them for what they are able to accomplish. I believe that things were not always this way. I believe there was a time when women were valued and men and women worked together as equals with nature in their environment. I am personally going to be making an effort to progress forward to a point where the feminine receives equal respect in our society as the masculine. Life is about balance. There is no pill that will fix this, but we can certainly put the pill on the list of the rights of women that can start a movement to progress us to a better future for our children. The children we chose to bring into this world.
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