Saying kids should not be taught evolution is like saying learning science is unnecessary. Keeping people stupid is the best way to keep them complacent. America is far behind the rest of the modern world in education and that is because the corporations under the veil of the religious right have demonized being well educated so that they can continue to disregard the health and welfare of the American people and the planet all to maximize profits for their shareholders. A CEOs job has never been to "create jobs" and it has always been to maximize profits and answer to shareholders. And the American News media does their best to shield us from the harsh realities of what the world is really like today. The fabricated version of world history we get in school is such a disgrace to education and it's perpetuated by the propaganda of the American media.
Some people say that learning the harsh realities of life is depressing. I say not having food, plumbing, or electricity is depressing. Kids need to know about the current state of the world and learn how vital it is to be well educated and informed. They need to know the reality of the current state of the world so they appreciate what they do have. Leaders and innovation are not gained by teaching kids, "This is just the way the world its and there is nothing that can be done about it."
Knowledge is never traumatic. I am not suggesting kindergarteners need political science, elementary goes up to 11 years old. We teach them the warped version of Columbus and Thanksgiving, and the pyramids and then wonder why they rebel against hypocrisy as young adults. We greatly underestimate the resilience of children, we do not take into account, that some children are forced to carry AK's or go to war, and are literally starving to death. Where my lineage comes from, the Irish developed a tradition of big families because half of them were going to die due to starvation and disease and that was within the last 200 years of history. So tell me again what kids can and can't handle. I believe in the magic of being a child, despite being a vigilant atheist I allow my son the joy of believing in Santa to enjoy the spirit and season of giving. However that joy will eventually fade when the reality of the consumer driven holiday season of America comes into his world. We have a culture of sexual abuse, verbal abuse, and physical abuse towards children that hardly gets talked about though almost every person we know has suffered through one of those. So I think there are worse things children can be traumatized by in our culture than education.
Darwin and Mendel was my favorite college class, also my most horribly boring and difficult. Evolution is not a question, ever, there are questions within the science of evolution but that does not discount that it is taking place, just that there is still far more study needed. The only reason pizza is a vegetable and seen as nutritious, the only reason global warming is in question is because there is big money behind the lobbyists who serve the interests of major corporations. And the ONLY reason not to teach children evolution and political science is to make sure that as adults they are so uneducated and so ill informed that they will think voting for a republican is a good idea. In other words, keep them down and complacent.
Darwin and Mendel was my favorite college class, also my most horribly boring and difficult. Evolution is not a question, ever, there are questions within the science of evolution but that does not discount that it is taking place, just that there is still far more study needed. The only reason pizza is a vegetable and seen as nutritious, the only reason global warming is in question is because there is big money behind the lobbyists who serve the interests of major corporations. And the ONLY reason not to teach children evolution and political science is to make sure that as adults they are so uneducated and so ill informed that they will think voting for a republican is a good idea. In other words, keep them down and complacent.
I think due to evolution, children are far more resilient than adults, for the same reasons a falling baby can save itself due to instinct, a child can survive dire circumstances to become a thriving member of their society. They have the capacity to learn things we will never comprehend because due to evolution every generation is capable of grander ideas that the previous. With the changes in technology and ingenuity in the last 20 years alone the indication is that things we will see in the next 20 years (if we allow our children to be educated scientific thinkers) we can not even begin to imagine.We need to empower the next generation to be more driven to succeed in a global change of consciousness. So that we can continue to advance to be a intellectual society instead of an animalistic one.
There are children in the world who survive dire circumstances, so at the very least our children can someday learn of those hardships. They can learn to appreciate what they have and that it is good to help others and not to constantly bitch about the mundane. Life has always and will always be filled with struggles for every single human, once as a society we can understand that, we will learn more compassion and understanding for our fellow man. Being educated about the world can only lead to the conclusion that the world is not a fair and just place and that is will require work and determination to better the future.
I originally said political science and evolution should be taught at elementary school age. These are not traumatizing lessons children can't handle. At the very least I want an exposure to global politics at all, most people are completely clueless and schools do not utilize the fact that kids would be more interested in science, math, and history if you always tied those things into how they relate to the world today. That is not the current curriculum of the US, we don't teach any politics more recent than Nixon and Kennedy. And children deserve to know what's going on in the world today. My optimistic hope is that in my lifetime I will see that changed.
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