
Censorship Reaches A New Level

"For those who I have heard many times saying, "Why aren't they in DC instead of wallstreet?"... There was a very important demonstration over the weekend that I was very excited about during the American's For Prosperity event in DC. AFP is the organization funneling the money of the Koch brother's into elections. They say this is legal because of their 1st amendment rights as a corporation. But as we speak they have already dismantled any high quality or accurate depiction of what transpired Friday night. Youtube videos are disappearing by the second. And this internet censorship will only get more thorough if they government can pass the "E-PARASITE Act". Start paying attention now before it's too late. It's our 1st Amendment rights in jeopardy, the Koch brothers will be just fine." - Reposted from my Facebook. 

I am disappointed that I'm a place in my life where I am not actively wreaking havoc on the minds of the elite in this country. I wanted to be in DC over the weekend, protesting the Koch brothers. Whenever there is an event I miss I think about it. I know it seems silly but I feel like greater global consciousness of change is half the battle when most people don't even want to think about it. I thought for sure though that this morning I'd be able to watch all the videos and read all the articles of what transpired over the weekend. But the Koch Brothers have seen to that. 

I am so excited to engage more and more of my family and loved ones in conversations about real issues we are all facing. Pleasantries have been replaced by actual conversations about the hardships we've been dealing with in the recent weeks and months. As someone who was never a fan of pleasantries to begins with this is very exciting indeed. Things are going to change, even though we're only fighting the small battles now with the larger wars to come. But there is a real change in the hearts and minds of the smartest people I know. We will not give up so easily this time; Our futures are at stake and the futures of the riches 1% are not. We all wanted an easy solution, that's why we wanted Obama's Presidency so badly. But Hope and Change was never going to come from one man. It has to come from all of us. We have to work together and remember that our goal is peace and civil liberties because I think these changes will be coming in the wake of our middle age. We will take these issues of police brutality and the Citizen's United to court someday and we will win. 

Erin Brockovitch was on TV yesterday and it made me remember, the court system is so broken in this country that we may seek justice for another 20 years before we get our victories. That is why I wrote a petition to President Obama to Act now if he can. Or at least give us an acknowledgement that he knows what all the rest of us know. That Corporate money in congress has meant that our vote is discounted and the decisions being made are not majority decisions but the decisions of the elite. I feel if he doesn't say what we all want to hear he will not get reelected. As much as I would be disappointed that he is in their pocket already, I fear the potential presidency of Mitt Romney. 

For any of you who don't think Mitt Is The Shit you will soon see. The Koch brothers have their money in the campaigns of Herman Cain who is still leading in the polls, despite SEXUAL HARASSMENT Settlement, and Mitt Romney who has had a steady second; either way their candidate will be the winner. But Cain is not a real candidate and this is all a farce to get us to watch their 18 CNN debates (aka the reality show that they are making millions off of). They know if they have such ridiculous candidates opposing Mitt Romney that when he campaigns  on the Personhood Amendment (making embryos legal people), the E-Parasite Act (so that the government has complete control of the internet since they already have the TV and the Radio), and Corporations Are People (in favor of corporate campaign contributions) we will be less inclined to notice that HE IS BATSHIT CRAZY because of all the idiots they have paraded before us. If the politicians won't say what we want them to say then we must say it ourselves and repeat it until it is blatantly obvious that what a majority of people want is not what we have. Once we all realize that, things will start to change because I believe in my heart that there will always be more people on the side of Love than on the side of Greed. 

If you have read this and you don't know about the E-PARASITE Act, the Personhood Amendment, or the Citizen's United court rulings please google them and find out more, I am certain you will be interested. 

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