
Is Silence Violence or Is Violence Violence

I feel like I was always this person but perhaps people miss when I played a pornified stereotype when I was a young woman. What they don't realize is that all old crones & hags were once young women who played into the pornified stereotype to try to get along. Thinking of all the older women that warned me a long way about the young men that I surround myself with. That they were not to be trusted. 

Some people find surprising my feminist beliefs,  my anti-pornography & anti-prostitution belief. And my general aversion to the way young women are treated but I've always felt this way. I've just come out of the closet, so to speak. As a feminist, because once you get older you realize that you should've listened to every single woman who warned you about what was about to happen. 

I am losing more friends every day. Ones who say they are open to all the most open-minded opinions. Except for my opinion that even people who think they deserve violence inflicted on them, don't. 

It's not an opinion, in my humble fucking opinion, that no one deserves or actually chooses violence willingly. Just because cutters & Masochists believe they can only gain attention & affection through violence does not mean that they deserve the violence they are enacting on themselves. 

I told Keith I think that I'm so upset because my mom lead me to believe when I was a kid that this would be over by now. I didn't realize that the submission of women was being documented visually by the evil secret overlords everyone always claims to hate but spend their lives secretly absorbing the carefully cultivated propaganda of. Whether through actual porn sites or by publicly absorbing the idea via Facebook & Instagram through massive normalization campaigns. 

Since I decided to only take in radical feminist perspectives on violence it's been completely unavoidable to stay entirely away from pornography or solicitation on Instagram or Twitter. I Only follow feminist perspectives & yet this is a regular part of discussions in my life or posts I see on social media made by women that I know. 

How do we end BDSM being a normalized practice? If silence is violence than is silence about violence extra violent? Or perhaps was the redefinition of the word violence to mean silence a huge societal mistake? One that put millions of women & children at risk. 

Violence is violence. The idea of consensual violence needs to end because there is no such thing. All violence seeks to control. It could be said that some violence is accidental but that's not what is being said. What is being said is that some violence is good. Some violence is necessary. Some violence is human nature & we must do it because we can't conceptualize a reality without it. 

It is time we let go of the idea of human nature and embrace the idea that we've become so evolved we make human choices. When you have embraced the idea of human nature you can excuse a whole host of choices that you otherwise wouldn't have done.

It is not something we learned. It was woven into every fiber of our beings from the moment we're conceived. 

We learned these violent ways & we can unlearn them. 

My recent facsimiled goal is to learn how to teach non violence. Wish me luck ladies.

Don't Get Distracted By Bullshit, Don't Be Polite To Pervs, & Stay Strong.


Jackie Lane 

PS. Check out Exulansic's Adder Bladder Oil on YouTube. You won't regret it. 

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