I wanted to be more productive than I feel like I've been since I woke up this morning. Morning only has an hour and 15 minutes left. I fell asleep around 2am promptly after finishing working. Zack was up until 11:15p. I'm still so tired and I can't get up thinking about all the things I have to do in the next few days. I just want to put covers over my head and wait. It would be easier but less fun and memorable.
I'm going to try and start posting my thoughts I want to save on my blog instead of just my Facebook because of app luxury, blogger works better on this phone. I bought a micro recorder on sale. I'm so exited. Up to 1100 hours of audio, get ready.
I often have good ideas while driving. Or figure numbers or connections out while driving. I have tried many times to write down a Great thought at a stop light only to have it change and get every green on the way home or a phone call, and it is gone forever into the ether.
I am keeping my contract with the devil that is Verizon Wireless. I have no real choice. I have plenty of illusion of choice but no matter what the alternative is pay $400-500 for a phone that was made for pennies by someone who makes a dollar a day. They own the towers. 4 choices isn't competition, when one raises the anti so do the others. Four "choices" in a country of 330 million people.
I got an LG G2. So far it is amazing. I am blown away with how much better it is than my exactly 2 year old HTC droid. I suppose it benefits my readers to know how I balance a full active family, work, and social life and still have time to blog, talk to 400+ people on Facebook all the time, and post anywhere from 2-10 articles and memes I've read throughout the day. People keep telling me to get on Twitter more to reach more people. I have a hard time using or understanding too few words. It is not my language. I also still enjoy not being sucked into technology 24/7.
We live in a world of privilege and technological advancements and we completely take it for granted. 1/7th of the world's 7 billion people have regular access to the internet. It should be all of us. But I guarantee most people with access aren't utilizing what they have at their finger tips.
We can not come up with advanced technologies in a vacuum. Everyone should have a right to access all information and science at this point. It would only benefit humanity because with minds and beings working at their optimum function we will advance even more quickly. There is no reason for starvation or violence in this world aside from greed. The love of power is undoing all we have accomplished. The power of love is the only thing that can save us at this point.
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