
The Importance of Coasters

You wouldn't believe me if I told you. I've been cancelled again. This time I objected to some Lisa Frank esq. art with a long form groom into Eating Ass. I also said for the 1000th time that nobody Needs adderall & that speed is delicious for every human being, not just the special adhd snowflakes. I know.

 How controversial of me...

I'm not really surprised at all ever anymore. Many people are so fucking sedated to deal with what is happening to their world. The ones that are still alive. 

I lie. 

Every person that leaves me over their wholehearted love & defense of pornography guts me to the core. I just Assume everyone will agree with me. 




I tend to assume others have the same mindset I do. That they can still see violence. That they can still tell when something is real or not. I forget everyone hasn't worked on movies. I forget everyone hasn't been obsessed with Playboy since childhood. I forget that people are willfully ignorant. I just assume if they're my friend that they care about the safeguarding of women & children & yet often times this assumption has left me socially humiliated & ostracized for what I consider to be entirely reasonable beliefs. 

Being cool is all that matters. What does it mean to be cool if when you try to be cool it can backfire? It means being socially accepted. No one feels accepted for who they are right now. Everyone thinks they will need plastic surgery as they age or as I like to call it. 


Plastic implies a sort of 3D printing Frankenstein effect on the human body as opposed to the reality of what surgery does. We as a culture worship surgery & doctors. At times surgeons perform great miracles when necessary. But in other instances we live in a world where people are expected to make money always, to create a need even when there is not one. 

A healthy human body should never be cut open by a surgeon ever. It's against medical ethics. And yet even with the Outstanding risks such unnecessary surgeries cause they were still scheduled throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of using every single doctor & space in the hospital for CV19 patients they continued to perform elective surgeries on the mentally ill. Anyone wanting to cut up a healthy body & expose it to the harshest of chemicals through anesthesia & mutilate it & then have to expose it to opiates just to heal the formerly healthy body is mentally ill. 

How is this happening so often while all hands should be on deck in medicine for the pandemic? At this point most psychologists & most doctors are scam artists. How can you tell anyone they are Mentally Ill or have Anxiety right now? No shit you have anxiety, that's not an illness. It's a natural fucking reaction. 

A select few of us that believed climate change was really happening & that rising temperatures would cause germs to mutate more effectively are sitting over here wondering why the fuck everyone is so surprised at the turn of events that communist believers call End Stage Capitalism or as the bible thumpers understand from The Book of Revelations. 

Evidently even the secularists who aren't supposed to take The Bible literally missed the metaphors upon close reading. Famine, Pestilence. We have seen floods, fire, tornadoes, hurricanes, pest explosions. These were never just stories. They were the answer to how we prevent these things in the first place. We long ago lost our path. 

The Bible is not even as close to as old as the stories in it. Those stories passed from human to human over millennia making us into who we are now. They have been manipulated many times over into what powerful men wanted them to say. But those stories were originally the stories our grandmothers told us while we were too young to leave the house. Too fragile yet for the dangers of the outside world. Back when, we understood that many would die from childhood illness. 

We can lose anything when taken for granted for too long. 

I assumed all the people I knew who wanted a different world where we respected the environment in which we live would also extend that to respecting the human body, in its original form. The adult human female form, that of women. 

I had no idea how addicted people were to pornography because it's not a problem I've personally ever had. I see violence against women every time, I see child-like girls who are barely women. I see reality instead of the lie that is sold to us that these women are rarely ever trafficked children sold into sexual abuse. These whores are happy, horny, & enthusiastic to be sold for all the world to consume. 

The ONLY reason anyone, any man, believes that bullshit is because he was indoctrinated into it during childhood. He then backed up a lifetime of cultural grooming into pornography culture with orgasming to that violence because part of that cultural brainwashing included that if you don't do it, you're not a real man.

Now if you go far enough down the hypno-sissy pornography rabbit hole you can actually be brainwashed into believing you Are a woman & that you always wanted to be one, even before the lifetime of brainwashing, the indoctrination through orgasm, & the escalation into material that depicts women in more & more dehumanizing ways. 

We all seem to know that all men view pornography as normal. We all seem to know that this cultural sexual abuse of children that leads to them wanting to dissociate from their own body whether through eating disorders, anorexia & binge eating, cutting, or gender dysphoria. Yet we sit here arguing over who & what is to blame. 

Men are to blame.

For their intense hatred of women. 

The men I just spoke of were groomed through online pornography since childhood. But what of the men who were raised to create the content in the first place. Often their own mothers were sold. Sometimes by their fathers. But other times they are upper class men who grew up on consumption material. 

The Marquis De Sade was not the first aristocrat who raped & tortured women for his own pleasure.  He is just the first to write down a popular practice of the time he was in & write long form (male) moral justifications for why they have a right to behave that way. Nothing is Natural. Everything is learned & chosen & in many instances with as smart as humans have become since women invented written language, contrived. 

Men do these things on purpose. Men do these things with purpose. They can all feign not knowing the purpose. They learn that at an incredibly early age, how to lie to women. They claim "I don't know. I didn't know. Every other man does it." 

They know. 

They don't care. 

Their power over society & their desire to continue to consume women who they see as disposable trumps any sympathy they can pretend to muster. 

The kids are not alright. 

When I was first exposed to the internet as a teenager mostly our working class parents didn't know there was so much to protect us from. It was a desert wasteland full of old men who spent way too much time alone fixing computers & watching pornography & the Nations Children having inserted one of the 1000s of America On Line... [online still two fucking words? what!] disks that were mailed to our parents. Everyone would pay to be online. It's a monopoly utility we funded through the abundant military tax we pay & yet they sold it to us like a product we had a choice whether or not to participate in or consume. 

The Wizard of Oz & Harry Potter are only 2 stories of good & evil in a long lineage of children's fairy tales. We used Fairy Tales to prepare children for the things they can't even imagine when they are small but with which they are even more prone to being victim to. By the time we are adults we establish boundaries, sometimes because we are taught, other times because we learned the hard way. Some of us go to therapy & talk about what actually happened to us. But many of us still must use the analogies or metaphors of our childhood to explain the things in the world that almost seem without explanation. We lose ourselves in escapist media. 

How are so many children still sexually abused & beaten. The ones who aren't, told to be thankful that they are ignored & well fed. Just like women. The standard of treatment men have to meet being set by the worst men & fathers instead of men being held to some sort of ideal. 

If we're to escape this world where child abuse is the norm. Where dissociation is the norm. We all need to be able to speak about these things in clear language. Using clear & simple words that even the simplest minds can understand. Those of lesser understanding, children & the disabled are the most at risk to sexual violence. 

Pedophiles are not real. 

The idea of the pedophile was created by men to afford their crimes of opportunity an explanation. Men do not take sexual advantage because of attraction. They take sexual advantage because they have been taught they can if they want to & little is in place in the world to stop them. 

What social mores we had, have been eroded. We consider ourselves & we are, a statistically more peaceful world. But someone is fudging the numbers. Someone has redefined words such as violence to mean criticisms of men instead of pain enacted upon women. 

Someone has redefined pornography to mean sex instead of the filmed evidence of men's hatred towards women or anything that suggests women as a class are submissive by nature. Someone has redefined nudity as pornographic. Nudity is only pornographic when it implies women are "naturally" submissive. Because as we know natural is not a thing. We learn. We grow. 

Someone has redefined Free Speech to be images of violence against women & children instead of our right to speak out against them. 

Who are these people?

What are their social interests & goals for society? 

Why have we handed over the reigns? 


Jackie Fucking Lane 

Find me on Instagram & Twitter @JackieLane2020, 2020 as in hindsight not the year because the year was in the future when I picked it & not the past. I can also Very Recently be found again on Facebook until they figure out I'm there. I participate on YouTube as Jackie Lane. 

Let's make friends. Turn to someone near you & say hello. You are missed, the world needs you.